You can view responses to Visit/Recurrence Offers that have been sent to Employees under the Offers tab in the Visit dialogue. Once an Employee has accepted the Offer, you can choose to assign them to the Visit.
Viewing Responses to Visit Offers
To begin, click on the offered Visit or Recurrence from a schedule page (an individual Client's schedule, Client Scheduling for a Facility, your All-Client Schedule, or the Vacant Visits section of your All-Employee Schedule). Offered Visits have a status of Pending and appear as orange on the Schedule.
Click More Details to open the Visit dialogue.
You can also access a list of Vacant Visits from the Workforce Management page. Go to Scheduling>Workforce Management and click on the Vacant Visits tab. The Offer Status will be displayed for each Visit.
Use the dropdown to filter Visits by Offer Status. The possible statuses in AlayaCare are Not Sent, Pending, Accepted, Expired, Closed, and Answered. To learn more about Visit Offer Statuses, see the Visit Offer Status article.
To open the Visit dialogue for the vacancy, click View.
In the Visit dialogue, you will see that the Offer tab displays the number of responses received over the number of Offers sent. Click the tab for more details.
In the Selected Employees section, you will see the names of the Employees to whom the Offer was sent along with their Responses.
Assigning Offered Visits or Recurrences
An Employee can either accept or decline an Offer. If they do not respond by the Response Due Time, the Response becomes Expired.
If an Employee has accepted the Offer, you can schedule them to the Visit by clicking Assign.
If you would like to compare the Employees' fit for the Visit, click the Metrics button to see more details about the selected care workers.
If the Visit you are assigning is part of a Recurrence, you will be asked to confirm whether you want to assign only this Visit, all future Visits, or all future unmodified Visits.
Once the Offer has been assigned, its status will change to Closed.
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