What are the optimal requirements for AlayaCare's web app?

Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
  • Updated

The only true minimum requirement for AlayaCare's web app is the latest version of the Google Chrome browser. The web app is fully tested on Chrome for desktop and laptop computers. 

For optimal performance you may want to consider the following:

Area Minimum Requirement Optimal Requirement Considerations

Operating System

OS agnostic Microsoft Windows 7+, OSX, Ubuntu 
Web Browser  latest version of Google Chrome, JavaScript & Session Cookies enabled latest version of Google Chrome, JavaScript & Session Cookies enabled
Internet Speed Standard home internet

Between 7 and 12 Mbps for 10 users 

Redundant and/or Other Providers
Business DSL, Cable Modem or Ethernet

Hardware  4 GB of RAM i3 Intel processor,  8 GB of RAM, min. screen resolution 1024x768, 2 computer monitors for schedulers and other office staff
 Printing None Local printer, Adobe Acrobat Reader


To access AlayaCare's Family Portal 2.0, end-users should use the latest version of their Google Chrome or Safari web browser. The family portal has a responsive web design that allows clients and their families to access it on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets as well as computers. The last two officially versions of Chrome and Safari will be supported.

Should you have any questions about these items as they relate to the support of AlayaCare's web application, please contact AlayaCare Support at support@alayacare.com.

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