The Employee Finder is a sophisticated tool which allows the user to search, filter, and select the best Employee for a given Client/Facility, Visit, Recurrence, or Service.
The Employee Finder is accessible from the following places, though certain options will vary:
The Employee Finder for Associated Employees
The Employee Finder in these contexts allows you to search by Employee Name, and filter by Not Blocked vs. All.
Choose one or many Departments or Groups to get results which belong in at least one of each Department and at least one of each Group selected.
The Group filter selection will default to any Groups the Client belongs to.
Continuity: the Continuity of Care received for the Client/Facility with this Employee.
Current Caseload: the total Caseload of each Employee. If the Employee has a Maximum Caseload set, it will appear as a ratio of Current to Maximum.
Caseload %: If the Employee has a Maximum Caseload set, the ratio of Current to Maximum calculated as a percentage.
Travel Time and Travel Distance: calculated based on the Employee's address and the Client address.
The Employee Finder in the Add/Edit Service Dialogue
In addition to all the options in the Employee Finder for Associated Employees, the Service dialogue also offers an option to filter on Employees with the Required Skills for the Service. Employees must possess at least one of the Required Skills to appear with this filter.
The Employee Finder for Recurrences and Visits
- The Employee Finder of a Recurrence or Visit will includes the following tabs:
- Metrics
- Calendar
- Optimize
The default tab when the Finder is opened is set at the system level.
- Set the filters to search for suitable Employees.
Any default filters in this Employee Finder are set at the system level.
Employee names: Search one or more specific Employees.
Associated Employee: limit to Employees from the Client's Care Team. Associated Employees are denoted by a icon.
An Employee can be blocked as well as Associated. if that is the case, it will be denoted by the icon.
Experienced Employee: limit to Employees with Continuity of Care.
Has Capacity:limit to Employees with capacity, according to their set Maximum/Minimum Weekly Capacity.
Required Skills: limit to Employees with at least one of the required skills.
Not blocked:limit to Employees that have not been blocked by the Client or blocked the Client.
Group: limit to Employees in at least one of the selected Groups. This will default to the Client's Groups, should they belong to any.
Department: limit to Employees in at least one of the selected Departments. This will default to the Service Department, should it belong to one.
Employment Types: limit to Employees in at least one of the selected Employment Types.
Supplier: you can choose for specific Employees of one or more Suppliers, if you have enabled Suppliers.
Display Travel Time (Metrics and Calendar tabs only): toggle ON to know travel time for Employees and toggle OFF to speed up loading.
Work hours for (Metrics and Calendar tabs only): this will impact the calculation of the Current Work Hours column. Options are:- Daily
- Weekly
- Payroll Duration. This is set at the system level.
Metrics Tab
Continuity: The Employee's Continuity of Care with the Client/Facility.
Seniority: Set on the Employee Profile.
Skills: Shows the ratio of the Skills linked to the Visit/Recurrence that the Employee possesses.
Availability: Displays the number of Visits for which the Employee is available, out of the total number of Visits to be scheduled. This metric takes into account the Employee's default Availability setting, any active scheduled Visits in their calendar (excluding On Hold/Cancelled), and any scheduled (Un)Availabilities.
Current Work Hours: displays the current number of hours scheduled for that Employee, and their Minimum and Maximum Capacity if it is set on the Employee Profile. This will vary based on the Work hours for selection - it can be calculated daily, weekly, or over the Payroll Duration.
Calendar Tab
- To see more information about the scheduled Visits and Time-off/Unavailability, hover over the colored tiles.
- Drag and drop the Visit tiles to better fit an Employee's schedule. Click Choose to select an Employee.
- When creating a Recurrence, you can drag and drop the selection to different Employees for different Visits.
- Save.
- If you are editing a single Visit, the Start and End Times will update to reflect any changes you made by dragging and dropping the tile.
If you are creating a Recurrence, the assignment of Employees and the Start/End Times of individual Visits will be displayed. - Create/Update Visit.
Optimization Tab
Schedule Optimization is currently in the Beta phase in the Employee Finder for Visits and Recurrences. If you are interested in piloting this new feature, please contact your Client Success Manager. Note that Optimization is not available in the following scenarios:
- multi-office environments
- facility scheduling
Additionally, note that Optimization does not consider if the Service Code of Visits allows for Visit overlapping - the engine only schedules Visits sequentially.
- In the Employee Finder of the Visit dialogue, the Optimize tab is available when:
- Creating a single Visit
- Editing a single Visit
- Creating a single day weekly Recurrence
- Creating a multi-day weekly Recurrence
- Editing a single-day weekly Recurrence
- Set the parameters of optimization by making selections in the filters.
In addition to the filters available in the Metrics and Calendar tabs, the Optimize tab also contains the following:
Preferred days: default to day selected in the Visit dialogue. Can be edited to contain multiple days.
Time Window: default to time range selected in the Visit dialogue. Can be edited to shorten or lengthen the time range. - Click the icon for greater optimization options.
- In the resulting dialogue, select your Constraints and Preferences.
- Configure your selections if necessary.
Maximum Distance from Client: click the icon to set the maximum allowable travel distance for any option.
Travel Time threshold: click the icon to set the maximum allowable travel time for any option.
Maximum Optimization Time: Set a timeframe for the optimization, as the engine can spend more or less time calculating new options.
Maximum Number of Solutions: set the maximum number of solutions you are interested in comparing. - When editing for a single Visit, click Generate options.
- When editing for a Recurrence, choose from among the following options:
Generate for this visit: launch Optimization engine only for the selected Visit
Generate for this recurrence: to launch Optimization for all future Visits.
Note that for Recurrences, the engine will limit itself to options for 1) a single employee and 2) a single time slot. - Choose an option calculated by the Optimization engine, or change the filters and parameters and try generating again.
- Make a selection. The Start and End Times/Dates and Employee of the Visit(s) will be updated to reflect you preferred option.
Learn more
- How do I select an Employee for a Client/Facility/Visit/Recurrence/Service?
- How do I set up Employee Departments?
- How do I set up Employment Types?
- Default Filters in Facility Finder/Default Filters in Employee Finder
- Employee Finder Default Tab
- Travel Time
- How do I set up Skills?
- How do I set up Groups (Clients/Employees/Suppliers)?
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