If your agency wishes to use Equipment and Supplies, you must enable this feature by going to System>Features and turning on Equipment & Supplies.
Note that even if your agency sends requisitions through the HSSO's PXML service, you can still maintain an internal Provider Catalogue to track Supplies.
Items in Provider Catalogue will never be available for ordering on a CCAC Requisition. Similarly, a Provider Requisition will never suggest any CCAC catalogue items.
Once a requisition is created, the type cannot be changed. This means that if a user selects a pickup or delivery option from the CCAC, they cannot edit this order to be a Provider Requisition and vice versa. A Provider Requisition is not eligible for pickup or delivery.
For more information on using Supplies and Equipment with the LHIN, see How do I manage Supplies and Equipment with the LHIN?
Equipment and Supplies cannot be invoiced through Ad Hoc Invoicing.
Permissions for managing Supplies Requisitions
If you are an administrator with access to Settings>Roles and Permissions, you must enable at least one of the following ACLs under the Customer category for each Employee Role you wish to allow to manage supplies requisitions:
- Manage Equipment & Supplies Requisitions for a Service: Employees with this permission will be able to create, edit, and view supplies requisitions for Client Services on their Caseload.
- Manage Equipment & Supplies Requisitions for All Clients: Employees with this permission will be able to create, edit, and view every requisition in AlayaCare. This permission is designed for coordinators, office, and admin roles.
- View Supplies Catalogue: Employees with this permission will be able to view supply catalogues in a read-only format to see what items are available for ordering.
Create a Provider Catalogue
To add a new Provider Catalogue, go to Clients>Supplies Management>Provider Catalogue and select Add Catalogue.
After the catalogue has been created, click +Add Item to begin adding supplies items to your agency's Provider Catalogue:
The Provider Catalogue allows agencies to track Equipment and Supplies by defining unique item codes, adding item descriptions, and managing pricing information. The following details are added by an administrator when a catalogue item is created:
- Item Code: mandatory, unique identifier for each catalogue item.
- Description: mandatory, the "friendly name" for a catalogue item.
- Price per Unit: rate at which an agency purchases an item.
- Billed per Unit: rate at which an agency charges Clients for an item.
- Applicable Taxes: brings up a list of taxes from Accounting>Accounting Settings>Taxes. Multiple taxes can be applied to a single catalogue item.
To add the same tax to every item in the catalogue, click Edit Catalogue to begin adding universal item taxes:
Create a New Provider Requisition
To begin, go to the Services tab on the Client profile and select the Service you wish to add a Requisition for.
From the Service profile, select the green Equipment and Supplies tab and click +New Requisition.
If the LHIN Integration feature flag is also enabled, you will be prompted to complete the New Requisition dialogue. You must select Provider Requisition as the before clicking Save.
On the Requisition Details page, select +Add Item to add an item from your agency's Provider Catalogue to the Requisition.
Start typing the Item Description or Item Code in the Item Name field to select the correct item from the Provider Catalogue. Next, add the Quantity and any Additional Information if necessary.
Once you've finished, click Save to add the item.
Click Edit to make changes to an item on a Provider Requisition.
When editing an item, you can decide whether you wish to use the Billed per Unit price defined in the Provider Catalogue or if you wish to use a custom price for the Client.
After an item price is edited and saved, you can hover the icon to see which Employee changed the price and at what time.
To delete an item, click the downward arrow next to Edit for the item and select Delete.
Approve the Provider Requisition
When you are ready to approve a Provider Requisition, click the Approve button on the Requisition Details page.
You can also approve a Provider Requisition from the Requisitions list under the Equipment and Supplies tab by clicking the arrow next to view and selecting Approve.
Once a Requisition has been approved or cancelled, the status will change to Approved.
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