How do I clock out of a Visit?

Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
  • Updated

Once you have completed your Visit, you need to clock out so that the duration of your Visit will be accurately recorded in the system.

The easiest way to clock out is by tapping the red clock icon  clock_out_icon.png under the Info tab. While you are clocked in, the title bar will be green. After tapping to clock out, the red clock icon will turn grey, and the title bar will turn back to blue. 

                      Clocked in:                                          Clocked out:

Clocked_in.png    clocked_out.png

You can also clock out by going to the main menu icon menu_icon.png and tapping on your Open Activities


From here, you can see whether you are currently clocked in to any Visits.


Click View for more details and then click the clock icon on the next screen to clock out. 



The title bar will go back to blue when you have successfully clocked out. 

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