How do I resubmit Visits to the HCCSS for billing?

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If you need to resubmit Visits for billing, you will need to generate a new invoice and send them as a new file. 

First, make the necessary changes to the applicable Visits. To isolate certain Visits, you can filter by Funder Status (Rejected, Suspended, etc.) on the Visit list for the Billing Period



From here, you can hover on the Funder Status to find more details, such as the Date the status was updated and the Funder Status Reason

The Validation Code shown should indicate what changes need to be made before the Visit is resubmitted. 
To edit a Visit, click View to open the Visit dialogue. 
Click the Edit tab and enter the missing or incorrect information in the proper fields. 
Once you have made the necessary adjustments, flag the Visits for resubmission. You have two options for marking the Visits for resubmission:
  • Option 1: in the Visits tab for the Billing Period, check the box under Mark for Resub. Once you click on No for the applicable Visit, it will change to Yes, indicating that this Visit needs to be re-submitted for billing.
  • Option 2: Open the Visit dialogue by clicking View and check the box next to Mark for Resubmission under the Accounting tab. 
After flagging the Visits for resubmission, you can regenerate an invoice with one those marked for resubmission.
In the Invoices tab in the Billing Period, select Choose a client or funder.
Select the Funder in the Invoice For field. From the Generate dropdown, select Visits to resubmit for billing
After you click Save, an invoice will be generated with only the Visits flagged for resubmission. 
Select Export from the action menu if you wish to review the XML or CSV file before sending it to the HCCSS.
When you are ready to resubmit the Visits, select Send Export to CCAC.
From the invoice:
From within the Billing Period:

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