The Attendance Dashboard provides a snapshot of all your agency's Visits for the day. You can use this tool to help you manage Late and Missed Visits and monitor when care providers are clocking in to Visits from the field.
To view your Attendance Dashboard, go to Dashboard>Attendance.
From the Attendance Dashboard page, you can track the status of the day's Visits.
The names of Employees assigned to Visits for the day will appear on the left with their corresponding Visits. If an Employee has not been assigned to the Visit, [Vacant Visit] will appear instead of an Employee name.
The black blocks represent the scheduled duration of each Visit.
Click on a block to open the Visit dialogue and see more details about the Visit.
The red line marks the current time in the day.
Use the filtering options to narrow down to only Visits in a certain Client Group or Department or only late or covered Visits.
Colored bars represent the status of Visits.
A blue bar indicates a Completed Visit.
A green bar indicates an Open Visit. This means that the care worker is currently clocked in at the Visit.
If the Visit should have already started and no green bar appears, the worker is late.
If a Visit has already passed and no green or blue bar appears, the Visit has been missed.
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