How do I create a Nursing Care Plan for my Client?

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Step 1: Navigate to your Client's profile through the Client List or by using the Global Search


Step 2: From within the Client Profile, Select the Care Documentation tab and then the Care Plan tab


The Care Plan consists of four sections: Nursing Diagnoses, Nursing Interventions, Nursing Goals and Patient Goals.

Step 3: Reference the available Care Plan libraries by selecting Select a Library to add applicable items to your Care Plan


The Care Plan libraries were configured by your Clinical Team with standard items that can be utilized for different conditions. These represent some of your organization's best practices.

Once you select a Care Plan Library], use the + button to add Items to your Care Plan


Note: There are no Client Goals items within the Libraries as those are unique and should be developed in consultation with your patient.

Step 5: Once you have added all of your items, click Save


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