How do I create the Daily Activities plan for my client?

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Step 1: Navigate to your Client's profile through the [Patient List]

Step 2: Open the [Daily Activities] tab

Step 3: Add Daily Activities from either a library or from scratch

Daily Activities appears under each category in the Daily 

Step 4: Configure the Daily Activity

You can configure the Daily Activity every time you add a new one, but also by clicking the [Setting] icon on the right of the Daily Activity.

On the Daily Activity dialog, you can specify both the days of the week and the time period of the day the activity should happen.

If you don't select any service for the Daily Activity, this one will be automatically available for all the services of the client.

You can edit a Daily Activity and remove a service if you change your mind:

Once configured, you can verify the summary of the configuration under each Daily Activity.

Note: Updating the Daily Activities will update all already scheduled future visits and recurrences for the time frame in which the update applies.


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