How do I edit a Recurrence?

Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
  • Updated

You can edit Recurrences either directly from a Scheduling page or from a Service profile. 

From the Calendar

Go to the Client, Employee, or Facility schedule and select Visit in the Recurrence you wish to edit. Click More Details to open the Visit dialogue. 


Click the Edit tab. 


Edit the relevant fields and then click Update Visit


If you need to make changes to the Service for the Recurrence, you will not be able to make any changes in the Client Services section. However, you can update the Service Code. The Service Codes available to select will depend on the Funder selected on the Service. Note that the name of the Service on the Recurrence will not change even though the Service Code has been updated.

Changing the Service Code will update the Bill and Pay Codes listed in the Accounting tab of the Recurrence. Make sure to review this information carefully to ensure that the new bill and pay rates and quantities are correct for billing and payroll. 


You will then be prompted to select which Visits in the Recurrence you wish to edit. 

  • Edit only this Visit means that only one Visit will be updated.
  • Edit all future Visits means that this Visit and all Visits in the Recurrence after the selected Visit date will be updated.
  • Edit all future unmodified Visits means that this Visit and all Visits in the Recurrence after the selected Visit date will be updated, except for Visits that have been previously modified (Start/End Time changed, assigned to a different Employee, etc.).

Once you have selected which Visits to update, click Confirm

From a Service

From the Client or Facility profile, click on the Services tab and select the Service for which the Recurrence is scheduled.         


Under the green Scheduling tab, click Edit on the Recurrence you wish to update. 


Edit the relevant fields and then click Edit recurrence.


 You will then be prompted to select which Visits in the Recurrence you wish to edit. 


  • Edit all future Visits means that this Visit and all Visits in the Recurrence after the selected Visit date will be updated.
  • Edit all future unmodified Visits means that this Visit and all Visits in the Recurrence after the selected Visit date will be updated, except for Visits that have been previously modified (Start/End Time changed, assigned to a different Employee, etc.).

Once you have selected which Visits to update, click Confirm

To view the revision history of a Recurrence, click the arrow next to Edit under the green Scheduling tab and select View Revisions


The revision history is updated any time a Recurrence rule is added, edited, or deleted. 



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