Family Portal: Customizable Toolkit

Rita Pang
Rita Pang
  • Updated

This article offers a list of all resources and assets available to help both agency and personal users of Family Portal in onboarding and troubleshooting day-to-day issues. The AlayaCare Family Portal is a secure, online portal for clients and their family to stay closely connected to their care providers. Ths premium feature allows authorized family members to access the client's personalized health care information from anywhere, while also actively participating in the client's care plans. 

Between the client, their family, and their care providers, Family Portal facilitates communication and helps patient and/or their family members/assigned contacts access care information online. Users can view current, past and upcoming visits and the services provided, retrieve details on vital signs, medications, account balance, as well as learn more about the agency and the frontline care providers.

Please find attached to this article the following resources. These files are available for download in Microsoft Word (.docx) or PDF (.pdf) format. Note that the items within the Toolkit are customizable templates. Please adjust and edit as needed so to match your agency's configuration and needs. 

⚠️ Due to the size of these files, you will find the files in the format of your choice in the attached zip files. Scroll to the bottom of this page to find the download links.  ⚠️

For Portal Users

1. How to Login to the Family Portal

Learn how to request access for Family Portal, or to log in. 

2. What you Can Access on Family Portal

Understand the different tabs within Family Portal and learn what each tab offers.

3. Additional Features You Can Access on Family Portal

A look at additional features on Family Portal. 

For the Agency and its Employees

4. Granting Family Portal Access

Learn how to communicate about this feature with your team, and how to grant clients and their contacts access to Family Portal.

5. Talking About Family Portal

Download this cheatsheet and learn how to communicate this feature to your employees and clients.

6. Family Portal Communication Email Template

Use this template to draft and customize email communications to your employees and clients.

7. Family Portal Recap 1 – System Configuration for Admin Staff

This particular document offers a walkthrough of Family Portal's system configurations, roles and permissions, system settings, and how to grant or manage access.

8. Family Portal Recap 2 – Logging in and Navigation of Tabs

This is a guide specially designed for your employees. Use it as a refresher or learn how to login to the Family Portal, navigate the various tabs, and know what to look for within each tab. 

9. and 10. Brochures

Additionally, we have two brochures which you can use to customize communication about Family Portal to your employees and clients. Choose the template that works best for your organization.

Should you require any additional support, please log an AlayaCare support ticket.


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