What to do with visits billed using LHIN billing in CHRIS/HPG

Rita Pang
Rita Pang
  • Updated

If your agency has been on the previous version of LHIN billing, you will have outstanding visits, invoices, and reconciliations to manage, as the new CHRIS/HPG billing module will not account for those previous submissions. 

This means that visits that were billed using the LHIN billing module and require a resubmission will require a slight change in workflow.

What has changed?

The visit will first need to be marked for resubmission from the “Funder Summary page”, the individual visit, or workforce management, using the same LHIN billing module workflow that your agency have been using.


After the visit is marked for resubmission, the client service related to that visit must have a billing frequency configured, as per the new CHRIS/HPG workflow. This Client Service Billing Frequency will either be part of the migration mentioned in the transition package, or manually added. 

Manually add a client service billing frequency

Follow these steps to manually add the billing frequency:

  1. Go to the client’s profile and click on the "Care Management" tab
  2. Edit the service, and within the billing details section, change the “Billable Using” selection to “Single Program”
  3. Select Single Payor, then select the related HCCSS funder. You will be able to select the desired billing frequency and click on "Save"
  4. This client’s service is now updated and ready for billing in the CHRIS/HPG billing module. 

Continuing with resubmission

To resubmit, use the workflow of the CHRIS/HPG billing module, where we create our billing period. As an option, we have applied a funder filter, and will filter only with our desired HCCSS funder. The steps are listed below:

  1. In the newly created billing period, navigate to the "Billable Items" tab, and select "Generate" to create billable items for the resubmissions.
    ** note that this new billable item will be pulled into the next set of HCCSS invoices that are generated using the CHRIS/HPG billing module and workflow. 
  2. In the newly created billing period, navigate to the "Billable Items" tab. Here, you may see visits marked for re-submission listed as billable items. If not, click on "Generate".
    ** note that generation of the billable items may take time, depending on the number of visits that have been marked for re-submission. 
  3. Next, navigate to the "Invoices" tab, toggle to "CHRIS/HPG", then click "Generate" to create the new invoices.
    ** New invoices for those resubmissions will then be created and can be sent to HCCSS.
  4. If further adjustments or resubmissions are required for these visits, those subsequent resubmissions will ONLY need to follow the CHRIS/HPG workflow.
  5. For visits whose invoices are generated using the new CHRIS/HPG billing module, any which requires resubmission will only follow the CHRIS/HPG resubmission workflow. 

Please log an AlayaCare support ticket if you require further assistance.


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