Troubleshooting Resubmitting Rejected Visits in Electronic Billing V2

  • Updated


You may encounter difficulties when attempting to resubmit rejected visits in AlayaCare’s Electronic Billing V2, particularly when visits have been revised but appear voided or fail to pull into a billing period.


To resolve this issue, you can resubmit rejected claims using two methods:

1. Using the claim revision feature

  • Open the rejected claim by selecting the Open button.
  • Use the Revise button to adjust applicable fields (e.g., bill code, billed amount, or units sent).
  • Once the necessary adjustments are made, resend the claim.

Please note that only certain fields can be revised directly within a claim. If the rejection reason is unrelated to the bill code, billed amount, or units sent, follow the next method.

2. Without using the claim revision feature

  • Make the necessary corrections outside the claim (e.g., updating visit details, adjusting codes).
  • Void the rejected claim.
  • Generate a new claim, then prepare and send it again.

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