Troubleshooting Biweekly Report Scheduling Issues

  • Updated


You may encounter difficulties when attempting to schedule a biweekly report using Data Exploration 2.0 (DE 2.0) to automatically generate without manually adjusting the dates every two weeks.


1. When setting date filters, select the appropriate filter to match the timeframe you need for your reports

  • Option 1: Visit Start Date is 9 Days Ago for 2 Weeks. This filter shows visits from 9 days before today, covering a 2-week period. It includes visits from the past, which may not be relevant for future planning.
  • Option 2: Visit Start Date is 0 Days from Now for 2 Weeks. This filter displays visits from today and covers the next 2 weeks.
  • Option 3: Visit Start Date is 5 Days from Now for 2 Weeks. This filter shows visits starting 5 days from today and extends for the next 2 weeks.
  • Option 4: Visit Start Date is Next Week. This filter includes visits scheduled for the upcoming week.

2. Review filter settings

Check that your date filter is set correctly to capture the desired biweekly periods. Ensure it does not overlap with previous periods unless intended.

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