Troubleshooting Managing Your Zendesk Account During a Transition

  • Updated


When transitioning out of a role while having active tickets in a Zendesk account, you may wonder if you should disable your account or unsubscribe from email notifications related to those tickets.


1. Transfer active tickets

If you have open tickets and someone else is taking over, you can transfer those tickets to your colleague. This way, they will receive notifications and can manage the tickets moving forward. To do this, inform your support agent that you want to transfer your active tickets to another user.

2. Decide if you want to receive mail notifications

After transferring your tickets, you can request to be removed from the email CC list for those tickets. This ensures that you will not receive further notifications about updates on the tickets you have transferred.

3. Decide how to manage your account

Decide whether you want to leave your Zendesk account open or disable it.

  • If you wish to keep your account open but not receive notifications, simply inform your support agent of your preference.
  • If you no longer need access to the account, request the support agent to suspend or disable it.

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