How does Visit Locking work?

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  • Updated

Visits are locked for editing or deleting as soon as they have been included in an Invoice or Payroll run. The purpose of Visit Locking is to prevent accidental changes to Visits that could result in unintentional inconsistencies between the visit data and Billing or Payroll.

Locked Visits can be identified by the lock icon in Visit lists:

The Visit will also be marked as Locked in the Visit dialogue:


Only users with the ACL Edit Locked Visits can make changes to Locked Visits.

When editing a Locked Visit, a user with the ACL will need to override a warning dialogue:

For editing Premiums on Locked Visits, the dialogue contains the same message:

If the user overrides the warning, the change to the Visit will be saved.

Any invoices or payroll runs which involve the Visit can be viewed from the Visit's Accounting tab.


Note that Visits cannot be deleted once they have been included in payroll or an invoice to prevent data errors. Visits can still be cancelled for a non-billable or non-payable reason, with the appropriate permissions.

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