How do I remove/re-label/add Form Context fields?

Kristen Saldanha
Kristen Saldanha
  • Updated

Form Context fields allow system administrators to add, re-label, and remove demographic fields for Employee profiles, Client profiles, Staffing Positions/Facility profiles, Agency Information and ContactsEmployee Contacts, Client Contacts, Service profiles, Supplier profiles, and Funder profiles. They can be configured be navigating to the Form Context tab under Settings.


Important Note: Please ensure that you do not remove any critical demographic fields such as name or address fields as that may affect different integrations in the system.

Removing Form Context Fields

  1. Go to  Settings>All Settings>Form Context and locate the field you wish to remove.         
  2. Uncheck the box for the field under the group from whose profile you wish to remove the field. 


In the example below, the fields Health Card Number and Health Card Version are turned ON for Client Demographics and turned OFF for Employee Demographics.

Re-labeling Existing Form Context Fields

  1. Navigate to the field you would like to re-label.                                   Options_form_context.png                                        
  2.  Select Options under the field and enter the new field name under Label.                          Options_Label.png                                                   

Adding New Form Context Fields

  1. Click Add Attribute.                                                                                                          Add_Attribute.png                                                                                    
  2. Enter the following details: Description, Tag (this field will auto-populate and should not be adjusted), Input Type, Family, and Options.                                                               Add_attribute_dialogue.png                                                               
  3. Check the boxes for all the groups on whose profile this field should appear.                                     check_options.png

Form Context on Client Profiles

Client profiles are created with a default profile based on Form Context fields. The default fields for a Client profile are listed below:

  • First name (required)
  • Last name (required)
  • Salutation
  • Gender
  • Birthday
  • Address
  • Address Suite
  • City
  • Country
  • Zip
  • Email
  • Preferred email
  • Phone- cell
  • Phone- main 
  • Phone- other
  • Phone- personal
  • Fax
  • Health card
  • Health card version

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