If most of your Client Budgets will use a common base, you can define Budget Templates that will auto-populate new Client Budgets.
Budget Templates can be disabled when they are no longer needed and edited at any time.
⚠️Disabling or editing the Template will not affect any Client Budgets which have already been created using that Template. ⚠️
Add Budget Templates
- Navigate to Settings> Libraries> Budget Templates.
- Click on the icon to filter by Status (Enabled/Disabled) or search by Name.
- Click +Add Budget.
- In the resulting dialogue, choose a Name for the Template. Optionally, you can also select an HCP Subsidy Level.
- If you choose an HCP Subsidy Level, you will also be asked to select an HCP Funder.
- Click Save.
- In the resulting screen, the name of the Template appears at the top in two places.
The Budget is divided between Income on the left and Expense on the right.
Click Edit to change the Name of the Template at any time.
Click +Add Program. You can add as many Programs as you like to the Income side of the Budget Template. - In the resulting dialogue, choose a Program Name.
- Click Save.
- In your Program, add your Sources, Supplements, and Fees and Charges.
Add a Source/Supplement/Fee/Charge
- Click +Add Source or +Add Supplement.
- Fill in the mandatory fields.
Income Name: select a Name for the item.
Funder: the Funder paying for the item.
Income Code: the available Income Codes are filtered based on the selected Funder.
Contingency: Define a Contingency percentage, which allows you to set some money aside. The Contingency amounts are not calculated into the total income and balance.
Charged while Suspended: a flag to indicate if the Funder will still be charged even if the Client's Status is set to on hold. - Click Save.
Add a Service/Fee/Premium
Once you have added at least one item on the Income side, you can add Expense items.
- Click +Add Service
- In the resulting panel, fill out the Service information.
Service Name: name the service.
Service Code: only Service Codes which are configured with Bill Codes for Funders of Income items in the Template will be available for selection.
Funding Methodology: Choose between Single Source or Split Funding.
Funder: only Funders with Bill Codes for your selected Service Codes will be available for selection. You are additionally limited to Funders from the Income items you have created for the Budget.
Frequency: Choose a Quantity ( the unit will be determined by the Funder's Bill Code) and a Frequency Type (Weekly/Monthly/Total/Custom).
Provided On Hold: Indicate whether the Service can still be provided while the Client is on hold (hospitalized, on vacation, etc.). For example, lawn mowing or snow clearing. - Click Save.
- Click +Add Fee or +Add Premium
- In the resulting panel, fill out the Fee/Premium information.
Fee/Premium Name: name the Fee/Premium.
Billing Premium: Select your Client Premium from the list. Note that your choice of Premium will limit your available Funders according to which Bill Codes are set up on the Premium.
⚠️ Only bill codes with the unit "rate" are eligible to be billed as Client Billing Premiums. ⚠️
Funding Methodology: the billing premium can be funded by a single Funder by choosing Single Source or by more than one by choosing the methodology Split.
Funder: only displays the Funders with Bill Codes tied to the Premium you have chosen earlier. Note that your choice of Funder(s) will limit your available Premiums according to which Bill Codes are set up on the Premium. You are additionally limited to Funders from the Income items you have created for the Budget.
Frequency: choose Type and Repeat Every to set the Frequency of the Expense item.
Billable when client on hold: Indicate whether the Service can still be provided while the Client is on hold (hospitalized, on vacation, etc.). - Click Save.
- Click +Add Equipment and Supply.
⚠️ At least one Service must have been created for this option to be enabled. ⚠️ - In the resulting panel, fill out the Equipment/Supply information.
Item Name: make a selection from your Equipment and Supply catalogue.
Applicable Service: select among the Services set up on the Template.
Quantity: enter a Quantity.
Frequency: choose Type and Repeat Every to set the Frequency of the Expense item.
Provided on Hold: Indicate whether the Equipment will still be charged while the Client is on hold (hospitalized, on vacation, etc.).
Click Save.
Edit a Budget Template
- Click View for the Template.
- Click the icon for any item to edit it.
Click the icon to delete any item.
You can also add more of any item.
Disable a Budget Template
Click Disable in the View menu of a Budget to disable it.
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