What are the different Visit Offer Statuses?

BI - Forum Moderator
BI - Forum Moderator
  • Updated

In AlayaCare, you can choose to offer Vacant Visits or Recurrences to certain Employees. These Offers are assigned statuses depending on the Employees' responses and other criteria. There are six possible statuses of Offers:

To view the status of your Visit Offers, go to Scheduling>Workforce Management>Vacant Visits.


Not Sent

The Visit Offer Status is Not Sent when no offers have been sent for the Visit or Recurrence it belongs to. 


The Visit Offer Status is Pending when an Offer has been made to at least one Employee for the associated Visit or Recurrence. The status will remain Pending until the expiry of the Offer (as determined by the Response Due Time) or an Employee accepts the Offer.

Pending Visit Offers will appear as orange on Schedule pages. 


The Visit Offer Status is Accepted if at least one Employee accepted the Visit before the expiry of the Offer.


Once at least one Employee has accepted on Offer, you will be able to go to the Offers tab in the Visit dialogue and click Assign to schedule them to the Visit



The Visit Offer Status is Expired if no Employees have answered either accepting or declining the Offer by the time it expires.



Visit Offer Status is Closed once an Employee is assigned to the Visit (whether it is one of the Employees who received an Offer or another Employee entirely). 

Please note: once an Offer has been assigned to an Employee and the status is Closed, the Offer cannot be resent.


The Visit Offer Status is Answered when at least one Employee has responded to either accept or decline the Offer, and the Offer has expired.


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