How do I set up/edit/disable Service Codes?

BI - Forum Moderator
BI - Forum Moderator
  • Updated

Service Codes are required for payable and billable items linked to a Service, such as Visits. The Bill Code and Pay Code configurations on the Service Code will determine how the item is paid or billed. Learn more here about how all these codes fit together.

Set up a Service Code

  1. You can access configured Service Codes through Accounting>Accounting Settings>Service Codes. 

  2. Service Codes can be filtered by whether they are Enabled or Disabled, or by Department, and searched by Name or Description. 

  3. Click +New Service Code.

  4. In the resulting dialogue, the settings you choose will affect Billing, Payroll, and Visit Approval.


    Name: This is used throughout the application for schedulers and accounting managers.

    Description: This appears on some invoice formats, so it should be client friendly.

    Department: This refers to Employee Departments (e.g. Nursing, Therapy, or Personal Support). Setting a Department on the Service Code is optional, but note that if you do, you will be restricted to scheduling only Employees of the matching department. Likewise, if you filter a Billing Period by Department, it will use the Department set on the Service (via the Service Code).  You can only add one Department to a Service Code

    Pay Codes: When Payroll is run for an item with this Service Code, the Pay Code(s) on the Service Code will be used.

    • Regular: this will be the Pay Code usually assigned to the payable item with this Service Code when Payroll is run.
    • Overtime: If a Visit with this Service Code goes into Overtime, this Pay Code will be used instead when Payroll is run.
    • Holiday: If a Visit lands on a Holiday, and the Employee is eligible for Holiday Pay, then this Pay Code will be used instead when Payroll is run. Note that if a Visit is both overtime and holiday, only the Holiday Pay Code will be used.
      ⚠ If you are not seeing all the pay code fields, you may not have the Supplier flag enabled. This can be done by going to Settings > Features > Base Features. ⚠

    Expense Codes: When this Service Code is used for a Service provided by a Supplier, the Expense Code will be used for Expense Accrual and Reconciliation.

    OT Exempt
    : A Visit with this box checked will not count towards the assigned Employee's hours worked. Therefore, the Service Code cannot impact overtime. For example, an ON-CALL Service Code could be created with this option checked to ensure that the Employee is paid for on-call hours, but the hours would not count as overtime.

    Visits can overlap: when this setting is checked on the Service Code, you will be able to schedule a Visit that overlaps with other Visits scheduled for the same Employee (for the same or different Clients) without receiving a warning about the Visits that may be vacated as a result of this action. If this setting is not checked on the Service Code, you will receive a warning every time you attempt to schedule a Visit for the service that overlaps with an existing Visit for that Employee with information about the Visit(s) that will be vacated as a result of scheduling the new Visit. You will need to select Confirm in order to continue.




    Late Start (in Minutes): When batch-approving Visits with the action Approve Matching to Clocked, only Visits where clock-in has occurred within this time range set on the Service Code will be approved.
    Disregard Start Time: When batch-approving visits with the action Approve Matching to ClockedVisits will be approved if clock-in occurs at any time of day. For example, if an Employee is scheduled to mow a Client's lawn sometime during the day, checking this option would allow them to clock in and out whenever they arrived at a Client's house and still have the visits auto-approved for Payroll and Billing.

    Shift Coverage: Set leeway for shift coverage by entering a percentage here. For example, if 90% shift coverage is sufficient, then an Employee only needs to be clocked in for a minimum of 90% of the Visit duration for auto-approval during Approve Matching to Clocked. 
    Disregard Shift Coverage
    : If the actual percent coverage of the scheduled Visit time is inconsequential, check here. For example, if an employee is meant to simply drop off groceries at a Client's house, the shift coverage would not be relevant - only the fact that the drop-off had been accomplished.

    Duration: When added to the schedule, Visits with this Service Code will have the default duration set here. It can be changed at the time of scheduling.
    Disregard in Employee Capacity: Any Visits with a Service Code with this option checked will not count towards an Employee's total hours when an Employee's Capacity is being calculated in the Employee Finder.

  5. When you have finished, click Save.

Adding Bill Codes to a Service Code

Each Service Code can have multiple Bill Codes in order to bill the correct Funder for a given Visit.

To add Bill Codes for a Service Code, click Edit for the Service Code and select the option Bill Codes in the left menu. This will take you to a list of any Bill Codes already associated with the Service Code. Click +Add Bill Code to add a Bill Code for a new Funder, or Delete an existing Bill Code in order to change it for a new Bill Code with the same Funder.



Edit a Service Code

Click Edit to edit a Service Code

Disable a Service Code

Click Disable to disable a Service Code.

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