Premiums are custom charges that can be configured to apply for Payroll, Billing, or both at once.
Set Up a Premium
1. Navigate to Accounting>Accounting Settings>Premiums.
2. Premiums can be searched by Code only.
3. Click +New Premium.
4. In the resulting dialogue, choose a Code for the Premium. This is how the Premium will be recognized in dropdowns throughout the application.
Pay Code: choose a Pay Code if the Premium is to be used to Payroll.
Bill Code: choose up to one Bill Code per Funder if the Premium will be used for Billing. If no Bill Code is added for a particular Funder, the Funder cannot be billed for the Premium.
Rule: Choose a rule if the Premium will be used to automatically apply Premiums to eligible Visits during Payroll.
⚠ Premium Rules cannot be used to automatically apply Premiums to eligible Visits during Billing. ⚠
Roles: If your field workers have the appropriate permissions, they can add payable Premiums for themselves during clock-in only if their role is checked off on the Premium.
5. Click Save.
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