How do I add/edit Employee Contacts?

Rita Pang
Rita Pang
  • Updated

An Employee Contact can be created for a whole new individual, or for an individual with an existing Profile of other types.

Create an Employee Contact Profile for a New Individual

1. Go to Employee Profile>Overview>Contacts.

2. In the Employee Contacts, you can filter by Status, or search by Name, by clicking on the Filter icon .

3. Click +Add New Contact.

4. In the resulting dialogue, enter a First Name and Last Name. You can also optionally enter a Phone Number and Email. Should any individuals already exist with matching criteria, they will appear in the Matching Profiles table. Learn more about adding Profile types to existing individuals.

5. If you are adding a new individual, click Add New Employee Contact.

6. You will be taken to a new dialogue where you can add further information for your Employee Contact Profile.

7. When you are done, click Save. A new individual has been created with an Employee Contact Profile.

Edit an Employee Contact

1. Click Edit for any contact to update their information.

2. The same dialogue will appear as when creating a contact. Edit fields and click Save.

3. When editing a field that is common across multiple Profile Types for a Contact, you will receive a warning that the field will be edited for all profiles.

4. Click on Other Profiles in the warning dialogue if you wish to see the profile types in question.

5. Otherwise, click Update in the warning dialogue.

Enable/Disable an Employee Contact

Enable or Disable a Contact by clicking the option in the Edit dialogue of the Contact.

Creating and ordering Emergency Contacts

1. Set a Contact as an Emergency Contact by clicking the Emerg. toggle for the contact from red to green.

2. Click and drag the icon for any contact to reorder it. 

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