You can create Payroll Periods by going to Accounting>Payroll. Once you have created a Payroll Period, you will be able to run Payroll for the period.
Create/Edit/Delete a Payroll Period
- Navigate to Accounting>Payroll and click + Create Period.
- In the resulting dialogue, fill out the details of the new Period.
From Date: The start date of the Period. Pay items (Visits, Premiums, Time Off) dated this day will be included.
To Date: The end date of the Period. Pay items (Visits, Premiums, Time Off) dated this day will be excluded.
Adjustment & Carry-Over Date: Pay items (Visits, Premiums, Time Off) dated between the Adjustment & Carry-Over Date and the From Date will be included if they have been added/edited/deleted since the last Payroll Run of their original Payroll Period.Never overlap From Date and To Dates of Payroll Periods or the same pay items will be paid again. The Adjustment & Carry-over Date specifically filters for updates and additions and should be used to capture missed items from past Payroll Periods.
Groups: enter one or more Groups to filter for pay items assigned to Employees of that Group.
Departments: enter one or more Departments to filter for pay items assigned to Employees of that Department. - Save.
- Click Edit to re-open the same dialogue and make changes.
If one or several Payroll Runs already exist for the Period, you may have to re-run after editing the Payroll Period details.
- Click Delete to delete the Period.
Once at least one Payroll Run exists for the period, you can no longer delete it, even if you delete the Payroll Run.
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