How do I approve/unapprove Visits for Billing and/or Payroll?

BI - Forum Moderator
BI - Forum Moderator
  • Updated

Visits can be approved for BillingPayroll, or both.

This can be accomplished from different places:

Note that Visit Premiums are automatically approved along with their Visits.

Vacant Visits cannot be approved.

The user has the option to override quantities of Approved Hours, Billable Quantity, or Payable Quantity.

Time Approval tab in the Visit dialogue

  1. From a Scheduling page, click on a Visit and select More Details. In the Visit dialogue, select Time Approval.

  2. Change the Approval Status from Not Approved to Approved.

  3. Select an Approval Action (Approve to Scheduled Time, Approve to Clocked Time, or Approve to Specific Time).  If you select Approve to Specific Time, you must enter the number of hours you wish to approve the Visit to in the Approved Hours field.                                                                             time_approval_tab_approval_action.png
  4. You also have the option to override the number of hours approved for Billing or Payroll by using the Override Pay and Override Bill fields. To learn more, see Approved Hours/Bill Override/Pay Override.                                                                                      
  5. Save.

Individual Visit Approval in the Visit Approval Screen

Visits can be approved individually in the Visit Approval screen without opening the Visit dialogue.

  1. Enter values in the columns Approved Hours/Bill-Override/Pay-Override.

  2. Click on the Visit's Scheduled or Clocked time to approve according to the Scheduled or Clocked duration of the Visit.


Approved Hours/Bill-Override/Pay-Override

The user has the option to approve the Visit globally for a certain quantity or enter different approved quantities for Billing versus Payroll. This can be done in the Visit Approval list or in the Visit dialogue.

Approved Hours: If a Visit is not yet approved, entering a value here will automatically approve it. If the Visit is approved, the quantity will appear here but can be edited. 

⚠ A value in Approved Hours means the Visit is approved for both Billing and PayrollThis is for the quantity of Approved Hours unless 1) the Bill/Pay rate unit is Visit, in which case the quantity is automatically 1, or 2) there is a Bill-Override/Pay-Override quantity. ⚠

Bill-Override/Pay-Override: enter a value in one or the other column in order to bill and/or pay for a specific quantity. Note that the unit of the column appears according to the unit of the Bill Code or Pay Code of the Visit.

⚠ If the Visit is not yet approved, it will not be approved if a value is entered in one of these columns. The Visit must be separately updated to approved. ⚠

Scenario 1: a Bill-Override and/or a Pay-Override are entered for a Visit.

  • The Visit will need to be approved manually.

Scenario 2: Approved Hours are entered for a Visit.

  • The Visit is automatically approved for both Billing and Payroll for the approved hours.

Scenario 3: Approved Hours are entered for a Visit, AND a Bill-Override and/or a Pay-Override are entered.

  • The Visit is automatically approved for both Billing and Payroll.
  • The Approved Hours do not apply to Billing where there is a Bill-Override or to Payroll where there is a Pay-Override.

Batch Actions in the Visit Approval Screen

Using the Batch Actions button, you can action all the Visits currently visible with your filter selections.

Approve all to Scheduled

All Visits will be approved for a quantity of hours equal to their scheduled duration.

  • Visits must not be vacant.

Approve All to Clocked

All Visits will be approved for a quantity of hours equal to their clocked duration.

  • Visits must not be vacant.
  • Visits must have a work session.

Approve Matching to Scheduled

All Visits will be approved for a quantity of hours equal to their scheduled duration.

  • Visits must not be vacant.
  • Visits must respect Late Start and Shift Coverage % of their Service Code.
  • Visits must be covered by a Funding Block, where their Service has any Funding Blocks.

Approve Matching to Clocked

All Visits will be approved for a quantity of hours equal to their clocked duration.

  • Visits must not be vacant.
  • Visits must respect Late Start and Shift Coverage % of their Service Code.
  • Visits must be covered by a Funding Block, where their Service has any Funding Blocks.

Reject All

All Visits will be rejected. Any previously-entered Approved Hours/Bill-Override/Pay-Override will be disregarded during Billing and Payroll.


lock.png Visit Approval is ruled by the following ACL permissions in the Accounting folder:

  • Approve Visits on Scheduled Time
  • Approve Visits on Clocked Time
  • Visit Approval Overrides (i.e. Overrides on Clocked time, Reg, OT1 and OT2)
  • Batch Action: Approve All Visits on Scheduled Time
  • Batch Action: Approve Matching Visits on Scheduled Time
  • Batch Action: Approve All Visits on Clocked Time
  • Batch Action: Approve Matching Visits on Clocked Time

 Learn more

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