You must set up Skills & Qualifications before you can attribute them to Employees or flag them as required for Clients and Facilities.
Visibility and editing permissions for Employees>Skills & Qualifications are governed by the ACL: Employee Skills>View Employee Skills.
Add/Edit an Attribute/Skill to the System
1. Navigate to Employees>Skills & Qualifications.
2. Skills can be filtered by Category and searched by Name.
3. Click +New Attribute/Skill.
4. In the resulting dialogue, choose a Category for the Skill and enter a Description.
Client-Specific Skill: Check here if this Skill can only be performed for a given Client by specially-designated Employees.
Show Date Field (Expiration Date): Check here if the Skill can expire (for example, licenses or CPR certification) and enter a custom name for the Expiration Date field.
Show Date Field (Acquired Date): Check here if the Skill is acquired on a specific date and enter a custom name for the Acquired Date field.
Show Text Field and Show Text Field (other): Check and enter names for up to two more custom fields concerning the Skill if required.
5. Click OK.
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