Set the Feature Flag
In Settings>All Settings>Features, make sure the flag DEX Grant Management is ON.
Set up Grants
- Navigate to Accounting>Accounting Settings>Grants.
- Click on the icon to search by Grant ID, Provider ID, Provider Name, Outlet Activity, and Outlet Name, or filter by Funder, Status, or Funding Start/End Date ranges.
- Click +Add Grant.
- In the resulting dialogue, fill out the Grant Information.
Funder: choose one or several Funders.
Grant Description: optionally, enter a Description for the Grant.
Provider ID: this corresponds to the Outlet ID.
Provider Name: this corresponds to the Outlet Name.
Program Name: name the program being funded by the Grant.
Status: set a status for the Grant.
Grant Total: indicate the total dollar quantity of the Grant.
DEX Reporting: check here to enable additional fields in the Outlet Activity. - Click +Add Outlet Activity and fill out the Outlet information for each Activity for the Grant.
Outlet Activity ID: indicate the ID of the Activity.
Activity Name: indicate the name of the Activity.
The following are DEX-related fields, which will only appear if you have checked DEX Reporting in the Grant Information:
Service Type: choose one or multiple Service Types for the Activity. These are configured as Activity Codes in AlayaCare.
Service Type Group Name: enter a name for the Group.
Service Code: Enter one or several Service Codes among those configured in AlayaCare.
DEX Cost Centre: select a Cost Centre configured in AlayaCare.
Aged Type
Financial Capability Workshop - In the Affiliate With dropdown, choose from among three options. Your selection here will affect how the Grant is reported.
Session or Case: add a Code and Description.
Session and Case: add a Code and Description for each. - You can go back and edit any Outlet Activity by clicking Edit.
Once you have added all the Outlet Activities for the Grant, click Save.
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