How do I view/process Referrals?

BI - Forum Moderator
BI - Forum Moderator
  • Updated

Once you have accepted an Offer, you will receive at least one Referral for the Client.

⚠️ Please note: HCCSS Offers  and Referrals processed, opened, or read in the HPG portal will not flow into AlayaCare. Only unread offers and referrals will be imported. ⚠️

View/Process Referrals

  1. Navigate to Dashboard>Operations Dashboard>Client Intake.

  2. The tab opens by default to the Offers page, filtered to Posted Offers.

    The Last Refresh indicates when the page was last refreshed.

    The quantity of Offers and Referrals is indicated in the toggle button of each.

    Access the Referrals tab.

  3. Click the  icon to search and filter Referrals.

    The available values for Referral Source, Service Type, and Delivery Code come from received Offers.

    Transmission Date is a date/time range and defaults to the current day, midnight to midnight.

    Request Type can be: 
    * New for a new Client
    * Update for an existing Client/Service
    * Frequency Update specifically for a change in Service frequency for an existing Service.

    Notification Flag will indicate:
    Service Updates
    * On/Off Hold
    * Discharge
    * New 

  4. Click the View menu of a Referral to Process or Mark as Processed from the list view.

    Click View to see the details of the Referral.

  5. In the Referral view, you can navigate back to the list by clicking LHIN Referrals, or choose between Offers and Referrals in the toggle.

  6. The sections displayed in the Referral are:
    • Request Type
    • Notification Flag
    • Summary of Changes
    • Referral Summary
    • Service Details
    • Frequency
    • LHIN Contacts
    • Client Information
    • Client Addresses
    • Client Phones
    • Personal Contacts
    • Medical Contacts
    • Referral and Offer Details
    • Provider Details
    • Diagnoses
    • Surgical Procedures
    • Risk Codes
    • Allergies
    • Safety Issues
    • Client Codes
    • Client Population
    • Provider Report Service Change Request/Response
    • Service Pathways
    • Care Pathways
      • Milestones
      • Reimbursement Model Assignments
      • Actor Assignments
    • Possible Billing Codes
    • Active Services
    • Medical Equipment and Supplies

  7. If data is not available for a given field, it will display as empty or Data not available.

  8. Mark as Processed/Process the Offer

  9. When you Mark as Processed, a confirmation dialogue will require you to confirm your choice.

  10. When you Process, a dialogue will appear.

    The list of potential matching Clients are matched by at least one of NameHealth Card #, and Client Identifier.

    If the Client Profile does not match on any field, it will be indicated by the  icon.

    Click on a Client Name to open the Client Profile in a new tab.

Create a new Client and Service

  1. To create a whole new Client and Service, click + New Client and Service.

  2. A confirmation dialogue will appear.

⚠️ Only click Process Referral once. Clicking the button multiple times can result in the creation of duplicate services. Close the dialogue and begin the process again if you receive an error after clicking the button. ⚠️

Choose an Existing Client and Create a New Service

  1. Click Choose for a Client in the list. The button text will toggle to Chosen.

    Step 2 will appear for you to create or select a Service. Click +New Service.

  2. A confirmation dialogue will appear. Note that the content will differ based on your System Settings for Intake.


Choose an Existing Client and Service

  1. Step 2, the list of potential matching Services are principally matched by Service Assignment ID. 

    If the Service does not match on one or many fields among Service Assignment ID, Service Type Code, or BRN, it will be indicated by the  icon.

  2. Click Choose for a Service in the list. The button text will toggle to Chosen.

    If there is only one matching Service, it will be Chosen by default.

  3. Click Process Referral.

  4. A confirmation dialogue will appear. Note that the content will differ based on your System Settings for Intake.

⚠️ Only click Process Referral once. Close the dialogue and begin the process again if you receive an error after clicking the button. ⚠️

⚠️ Please note that the Process Referral button will be disabled while loading starts, and therefore  it is not possible to create duplicate services. However, there is a rare situation where duplication may happen, which is when we process a referral to create a New Client and New Service. In this scenario, the feature flag Enforce unique client External ID  is turned off, and referral fails to process at the second step where the system creates the service for the client. If this occurs, ACC will display an error message which prompts the user to click on the Process Referral button again and which will duplicate a client profile creation. To avoid this process, please close the process referral dialog and start again, which will help the system recognize that a client with the same identifiers already exists in the system. ⚠️ 

Coordinating a Processed Referral

  1. Once a Referral has been processed, its status updates accordingly in the Referral view and the list view.

    Hover over the  icon to see extra information.

  2. Click Coordinate in the Referral view or in the View menu in the list view to open the Client Profile in a new tab and edit/consult the relevant Service.

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