How do I add custom fields to a Client's invoices (Invoice Labels)?

BI - Forum Moderator
BI - Forum Moderator
  • Updated

Invoice Labels are custom fields that will appear on an Invoice.

Any Invoice Labels configured for a Funder are available as fields on any Service funded by the Funder. It is also possible to override the value of the Label at the Visit level.

Add an Invoice Label Value for a Service

  1. In the Service Overview, scroll down and click Accounting.

  2. Enter values for the Invoice Labels.

  3. Click Save.

Add an Invoice Label Value for a Visit

  1. In Visit>Invoice Labels, edit the values and click Save Shift.

Invoice Label Values on an Invoice

If a Service has a value for a given Invoice Label, and the Invoice includes at least one Visit with no override value for the same Label, the Service-level value of the label will appear on the Invoice.

If any Visit has an override value for a given Invoice Label, this value will appear on the Invoice.

If every Visit of a Service in a given Invoice has an override value for the Label, then the Service-level value will not have occasion to appear on the Invoice

It is therefore possible for a single invoice to display multiple values for the same Invoice if there is more than one Visit for a given Service. There could be one or several Visit-level override values displayed, as well as the Service-level value.

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