How do I generate a Client Statement?

Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
  • Updated

You can generate Statements for one or more Clients who are funded by Client Individual and Funder Individual-type Funders from the Accounting Exports page. Each Client Statement provides a list all AR transactions for a Client and Funder over a set period of time and includes the account's Opening and Closing Balance for the period along with an Aging Report

Statements are available as either Summary or Detailed Reports. The list of transactions in Detailed Statements will also contain further information about the Visits and Premiums (Quantity, Units, Bill Rate, etc.) included on the invoices.

Generate a Statement from Accounting Exports

To begin, navigate go to Accounting>Accounting Exports and select +Add Accounting Export


In the resulting dialogue, select either Statement-Summary or Statement-Detailed as the Type. By default PDF will be selected as the Format

Enter a Start Date and End Date for the Statement.

warning_icon.jpg  Note that the End Date cannot be more than 365 days from the Start Date


Check the box next to Exclude statements with a 0 closing balance if you do not wish to include Statements for Client-Funder combinations who do not currently owe a balance. 


Click  plus_add_button.png next to Client(s) and Funder(s) to select the Clients and Funders whose accounts you wish to include on the Statement. Note that only Funders of Type Client Individual and Funder Individual will be available to select.                                                                            


If a single Client and a Funder of Type Client Individual are selected, an additional dropdown will appear to allow you to select the Billing Contact for the Client and Funder


Click Save to create the Statement.

The report will now appear in your list of Accounting Exports.  Click the button in the Download column of the Accounting Exports list to open the file in PDF format. 

If a Statement has been generated for a single Client, you will also have the option to email the report and download the file in CSV format. 

The Statement for each Client-Funder combination will list AR transactions by date. The Date, Description, Charge, Payment/Adjustment, and Balance will be listed for each transaction. Cancelled transactions will not be included (except for a Sale that has been voided or a Cancel Cash Receipt). If you choose to view the Detailed Statement, it will also contain information about the Visits and Premiums included on each invoice. 

The first item in the list of transactions will be the Opening Balance. This represents the sum of all credits and debits for the account prior to the Statement Start Date, beginning with the first transaction posted for the Funder (or Funder/Billing Contact combination).  

The Closing Balance will be the last item displayed on the Statement. This represents the total balance of the account, including both the Opening Balance and all transactions posted between the Start and End Dates of the Statement

Both the Summary and Detailed Statements will also contain an Aging Report after the transaction list. This grid breaks down how much is owed by the Client/Funder according to the number of days that have passed since the invoice Posting Date. Learn more about Aging Reports

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