How do I generate notifications for vitals (event tasks)?

Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
  • Updated

Event tasks are triggered according to a client's vitals configuration.  When setting thresholds for a client's Vitals in the vitals configuration tab, you have the option to set an alert resolution task for the vital and select send notification for the threshold. 


When a vital reading is recorded that hits the threshold value, an event task will be created in the system (for example, if a client's blood pressure is above the high threshold). This task can then be assigned to an employee to address. 

A form of type event task will be attached to the task for an employee to fill out.


In the old reports module, it will be a form of type dispatchable event task.


An email notification will also be sent to the client's care team (the employees listed under coordination>associated employees on the client's profile).


ACL_image.png Note that the employee recording the vital reading must have the send vital alerts ACL for these notifications to be sent. 

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