What are the Advanced Components available in the Form Builder?

AlayaCare Support Associate
AlayaCare Support Associate
  • Updated

The advanced components in the Form Builder make it possible to update a client' s profile with information collected about the client from a submitted and approved form. This reduces the number of times that Employees have to reenter the same information across different modules in AlayaCare.

⚠️ Please note that if you are currently using advanced components in Medications 1.0, you will need to create a new version of the form, replace any old component(s) with the new ones in this list, once you migrate to Medications 2.0. ⚠️ 

Advanced components fall into two categories: client Information and care. Currently, the following advanced components can be added to forms via the form builder: 

Once a form with advanced components is submitted and approved, the related fields within AlayaCare will be populated with the information entered for those fields in the form.

Please note that Advanced Components are not available for Medications 2.0. 

Demographics (Client Information)

The demographics component allows you to add fields that correspond to fields in the demographic tab in the client's profile so that information from the form automatically adds or updates the corresponding demographic field when the form is approved. 

To add a demographics  field, open the form builder (accessible via Settings > Form Settings). Choose your selected form, then click on "Build". The builder screen will display and you are now to click on Client Info > Demographics in the components list on the left side of the builder. 

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Drag the demographics component into the form and complete the fields in the edit demographics box, which will show up on the right side of the screen. Note that you can drag the component up and down to change the order where it will appear within the form.

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In the mandatory link to demographic field, select the name of the field in the demographic tab that you wish to connect to the form field. For example, if you select first name, the first name field in the demographic tab will be automatically updated when the form is submitted. All fields used by your agency in the demographic tab will be available for selection. 

Enter a label for the field and use the instructions box to provide additional directions if necessary. You can also choose to require an answer to this field or add display logic. When you have finished, click on "Save". 

Note that when a user completes a form with a demographic component that has a checkbox (for example, Gender), the information entered on the form will be updated on the client profile when the form is approved only if the user checks the box to indicate a positive response, or checks and then unchecks the box to indicate a negative response. 

If the user does not interact with the field when completing the form, the corresponding field on the client's profile will not be updated to be unchecked.

To preview the added component on the published form

To view how the component will appear on the published form, first save the entries within this box, then click on "Save". Scroll up and click on "Preview".

Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 2.07.32 AM.png

The selected demographic field will appear on the form with the correct data type based on how the field is defined in AlayaCare.

Risk Item (Client Information)

The risk item component allows you to add risks automatically to the risk assessment section of the overview tab on the client's profile when the form is approved.

To add a risk item, similar to adding a demographics field listed above, go to your selected form, then click on "Build". The builder screen will display and you are now to click on Client Info > Risk Item in the components list on the left side of the builder. 

Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 2.02.52 AM.png

Drag the component into the form and complete the required fields. It will show up on the right side of the screen. Note that you can drag the component up and down to change the order where it will appear within the form. Enter a label, instructions if necessary, and choose whether you wish to require at least one entry. When you have finished, click on "Save". 

Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 2.09.24 AM.png

Refer to this section on how to preview the published form with the newly added component. 

Now, to complete the form, click + Add Risk to preview the risk entry experience when completing the form. 

Once a caregiver enters the risk name, category, and severity for a new risk and submits the form, these fields along with the Author and Modified On fields will be updated in the associated tab, once the form is approved. You can see the Risk Assessment by going to your client's profile, then Overview > Risk Assessment.

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Medical History (Care)

The Medical History component allows you to add details from the Form to the Medical History section under the Care Documentation tab on the Client's profile. 

To add a Medical History component, open the form builder (accessible via Settings > Form Settings). Choose your selected form, then click on "Build". The builder screen will display and you are now to click on Care > Medication History in the components list on the left side of the builder. 

Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 2.15.13 AM.png

Drag the component into the form and complete the required fields. It will show up on the right side of the screen. Note that you can drag the component up and down to change the order where it will appear within the form.

Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 2.15.42 AM.png

Select which Medical History Section you would like this field on the Form to correspond to.  The list of sections that are available to select will match the Medical History sections available within AlayaCare for your organization and will include Current Medical Diagnoses, Past Medical Diagnoses, Family Medical History, Infectious Diseases, Surgeries/Treatments, Hospitalizations, Immunization History,and Allergies. The 485-specific sectionsNutritional Requirements, Functional Limitations, Activities Permitted, Mental Status or Prognosis will also be available for selection, if your organization is in the US.

Enter a Label for the component and use the Instructions box to provide additional directions if necessary.  Check the box next to Require at Least One Entry if you would like to require users to complete this field when completing the Form. You also have the option to add Display Logic. When you have finished, click on "Save".

Refer to this section on how to preview the published form with the newly added component. 

When the Medical History component is completed and the submitted Form is approved, the new item (Diagnosis, Allergy, Surgery, etc.) will be added to the corresponding section of the Client's Medical History. 

Vital (Care)

Adding a Vital component to a Form makes it possible to update a Client's Vitals on their profile when the Form is approved.

To add a Vital component, open the form builder (accessible via Settings > Form Settings). Choose your selected form, then click on "Build". The builder screen will display and you are now to click on Care > Vital in the components list on the left side of the builder. 

Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 2.15.13 AM.png

Drag the component into the form and complete the required fields. It will show up on the right side of the screen. Note that you can drag the component up and down to change the order where it will appear within the form.

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Use the dropdown to select which Vital (Blood Glucose, Blood Oxygen, Blood Pressure, etc.) you wish to add as a Form component. Enter a Label for the component and use the Instructions box to provide additional directions if necessary. You can also choose to Require an Answer or add Display Logic for the field. When you are finished, click on "Save".

Refer to this section on how to preview the published form with the newly added component. 

Medication (Care)

Please note: if Medications 2.0 is enabled, only the Medication 2.0 component will be available for you to add to forms within the form builder. The Medications 2.0 advanced component allows care workers to add the equivalent of a custom medication for a client via a form. Refer to this section for more details.

The Medication component allows you to add a new Medication to Client's profile when a Form with the Medication details is approved. 

To add a Medication component to a Form, open the Form Builder and go to Care>Medication in the components list on the left side of the Builder. 

To add a Medication component, open the form builder (accessible via Settings > Form Settings). Choose your selected form, then click on "Build". The builder screen will display and you are now to click on Care > Medication in the components list on the left side of the builder. 

Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 2.15.13 AM.png

Drag the component into the form and complete the required fields. It will show up on the right side of the screen. Note that you can drag the component up and down to change the order where it will appear within the form.

Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 2.25.23 AM.png

You are required to provide a Label and have the option to include additional Instructions if necessary. If you wish to require the caregiver to add a Medication, check the box next to Require at Least One Entry. When you have finished, click on "Save".

Refer to this section on how to preview the published form with the newly added component. 

Click the + Add Medication button to open the Add Medication dialogue. Complete the required fields and click on "Save".


After a caregiver adds a Medication to a Form and the submitted Form is approved, this new Medication will be added to the Client's profile under Care Delivery > Medications

Progress Note (Care)

The Progress Note component allows you to add a new Progress Note to a Client's profile when the Form is approved.

To add a Progress Note component, open the form builder (accessible via Settings > Form Settings). Choose your selected form, then click on "Build". The builder screen will display and you are now to click on Care > Progress Note in the components list on the left side of the builder. 

Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 2.15.13 AM.png

Drag the component into the form and complete the required fields. It will show up on the right side of the screen. Note that you can drag the component up and down to change the order where it will appear within the form.

Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 2.45.13 AM.png

Select the Progress Note Type from the dropdown and enter a Label for the component. Use the Instructions box to provide additional directions if necessary. You can also choose to Require an Answer or add Display Logic. When you have finished, click on "Save".

Please note that Field Infusion Fluid under the Infusion section is not yet supported for Medication Advanced Component within a form.

Refer to this section on how to preview the published form with the newly added component. 

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