Once you publish a Form, you can choose to copy, archive, or create a new version of the Form.
Only one Active (published) version of a Form can exist at a time. To edit a published Form, you must select Create New Version in the Form Builder and publish your changes as a new version. The current version of the Form will be displayed in the Status column of the Form Settings list (for example, Active (v. 1) Active (v.2), Archived (v. 1), etc.).
You can also copy, re-publish, or create new versions of Archived Forms. Forms that are still in Draft can be copied or deleted.
Copy a Form
You can copy Forms that have a Status of Draft, Active, or Archived. To begin, click the arrow next to Build in the Form Settings list and select Copy.
Or, select the Copy button from the Form Builder.
In the resulting dialogue box, you will see the following message: Are you sure you want to copy the form [Form Name]? This will create a new form as a Draft.
Complete the necessary fields for configuring the new version of the Form and then click Copy.
The copy of the Form will appear in the Form Settings list as a Draft. Click Build to proceed to the Form Builder or select Publish if you would like to publish the Form copy without making changes.
Delete/Archive a Form
Before a Form is published, a draft can be permanently deleted by selecting the Delete button on the Form Builder.
In the resulting dialogue, click Delete to confirm the action.
After a Form is published, however, it can only be archived. Archived Forms will remain accessible from Form Settings, even though they can no longer be added for a Client. Previous submissions for the archived Form remain accessible.
To archive a published Form, open the Form Builder and select Archive.
You will receive the following message: Are you sure you want to archive the form [Form Name]? This form won't appear anymore in the list of forms that can be filled by your employees. Click Archive to continue.
To locate a Form that has been archived, filter the list in Form Settings by Forms with a Status of Archived.
Archived Forms can be copied or re-published from the Form Settings list or the Form Builder.
From Form Settings:
From the Form Builder:
Create a New Version of a Form
If you wish to edit an Active or Archived Form, you must create a new version. To begin, open the Form Builder and select the Create New Version button.
You will receive the following message: Are you sure you want to create a new draft version for the form [Form Name]? This new draft version will not be available to your users until you publish it.
Click Create to continue.
In the Form Builder, you will see a new dropdown beside the Status with Draft selected. You can switch between the new draft of the Form and other versions of the Form. The most recent published version will be marked Current (for example, v.5 - Current).
If you are creating a new version of a published Form, you will see the following message in the Builder: The changes made to this draft won't be available until you publish it, which will create a new version of this form. You will also see the options Delete Draft and Publish New Version.
If you are creating a new version of an archived Form, you will see this message in the Builder: The changes made to this draft won't be available until you publish it, which will create a new version of this form and make it active again. You will also see the options Delete Draft and Publish New Version.
Once a new Draft Version of a Form has been created, a tooltip will appear beside the Status in the Form Settings list with the message, This form has an unpublished draft version.
To publish the new version of the Form, make the necessary changes in the Form Builder, preview if necessary, and then click Publish New Version.
You will receive the following message: Are you sure you want to publish a new version of the form [Form Name]? This new version will only be applicable to forms filled after the publication. Forms filled before the publication will be rendered with the previous version.
If you are publishing a new version of an Archived Form, you will also receive a message that This form will become active again.
Click Publish to continue.
The Form's Status in the Form Settings list will be updated to reflect the new Active Version of the Form.
Creating a new version of a Form will not affect Forms that have already been submitted.
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