How do I complete/resolve a Care Plan item (Diagnosis, Goal, or Intervention) on mobile?

Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
  • Updated

You can resolve a Diagnosis or complete a Goal or Intervention directly from a Client's Care Plan on mobile. After the End Date that you set for completing a Goal or Intervention, the item will no longer appear in the Service Tasks for Visits

To begin, open a Visit from your Schedule or a Client from your Caseload and navigate to the Care Plan tab. 

                                iOS:                                                                          Android:

care_plan_iOS.png                diagnoses_care_plan_mobile.png

Scroll through the Care Plan to find the Diagnosis you want to resolve or the Goal or Intervention you want to complete and click the three dots (iOS: three_dots_iOS.png, Android: three_dots_android.png) on the right.

                                  iOS:                                                                            Android:

interventions_actions_iOS_clocked_out.png                     interventions_actions_care_plan_android.png        

Tap Resolve (if Diagnosis)/Complete (if Goal or Intervention). 

You will receive the following message: Are you sure you want to mark the following intervention as complete? You won't be able to edit afterwards. Enter an End Date for the Care Plan item and any Notes you wish to include.  Then click Submit (iOS)/Complete (Android). 

                                 iOS:                                                                              Android:

   complete_intervention_iOS.png                complete_intervention_android.png

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