How do I create/edit/apply Tags for Visits/Services/Clients/Care Plans?

AlayaCare Support Associate
AlayaCare Support Associate
  • Updated

Administrators can create and edit Tags that can then be added to AlayaCare entities. To create a new Tag, go to Schedules>Scheduling Settings>Entity Tags.


The possible Entity Tags are:

To create a new Tag, click +Add Tag.


Enter the Tag Label and choose the entity the Tag should be tied to as the Tied Entity. Click Save to create the Tag


Tag names can be up to 15 characters in length and cannot contain punctuation or special characters. The tags are not case-sensitive so it is impossible to create a tag No Skill Req and a tag NO SKILL REQ.

When a tag is no longer in use, it can be set to Disabled by clicking the arrow next to Edit and selecting Disable


Setting a tag to Disabled means it will still appear where it has been previously added to entities, but it won't be an option to add in future.

Tags can be re-activated by setting them back to Enabled

Visit Tags 

Once Visit Tags have been created, coordinators can use them to tag a Visit or Recurrence

In the Create Visit dialogue, click on the multi-select_button.png  next to Tags to open up a shortlist of your Visit Tags and a search bar. 


Any Tags added to the Visit will appear in the same area and can be deleted by clicking x.

If a Visit has been tagged, the tag tag_icon.png icon will be visible on the Visit tile.


Click on the Visit to read the Tag Label


If there is more than one Tag on the Visit, the icon will be slightly different.





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Client Tags

To add a Tag to a Client, go to Client Profile>Demographics>Other Fields. Click multi-select_button.png to choose from a list of your Client Tags. When you have select all the Tags you wish to include, click Save Client


Once Tags have been added to a Client, the tag icon will appear next to their name when viewing their profile. Hover over the tag icon to view the specific Tags that have been added to the Client


You can filter by Client Tags in the Clients list:


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Service Tags

Service Tags can be added when creating or editing a Service. In the Create Service (or Edit Service) dialogue box, click multi-select_button.png to select from the Service Tags configured by your agency in Schedules>Global Settings>Entity Tags


Once a Tag has been added to a Service, it can be viewed by hovering over the tag icon on the Service page or the complete Services list on the Client's profile. 


You can also view Service Tags in the list of all Client Services (Clients>Services List):


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Care Plan Tags

Care Plan Tags can be attached to Diagnoses, Goals, and Interventions when adding an item to a Care Plan. In the Add Diagnosis/Add Goal/Add Intervention dialogue box, click  multi-select_button.png to choose from a list of the enabled Care Plan Item Tags configured by your agency in Schedules>Global Settings>Entity Tags


Once you have added the item to the Care Plan, you will see the tag icon next to the item.  Hover over the icon to view the icon. 


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