You can print either a Summary or Detailed view of a Care Plan of any status (Draft, Active, Complete, or Archived). The Summary view contains details about the Client's Care Plan and the Diagnoses, Goals, and Interventions included on it. The Detailed view includes the same information about the Client's Care Plan as well as details about the Client's health pulled from other areas of AlayaCare (Risk Assessment, Medical History, Equipment & Supplies, Services, and Scheduling).
To begin, open the Care Plan you wish to print from the Client's list of Care Plans in Care Documentation>Care Plan.
Click the print button on the Care Plan.
Choose either Print Summary or Print Detailed.
A new tab will open with a PDF of the version of the Care Plan you wish to print.
In addition to basic Client and Agency contact details, the Summary and Detailed views will contain the fields for the Care Plan Start and End Dates, the name of the user it was Created By, the Created Date, the user it was Last Updated by, the Last Updated Date, and the date the Care Plan was printed on.
For each Diagnosis, you will see the Name, Start and End Date, Description, and its current Status. For each Goal, you will see the Name, Start and End Date, Type, Service (if applicable), Description, any Related Diagnoses, and its current Status. The primary Diagnosis and Goal will also be marked. For each Intervention, you will see the Name, Description, Start and End Date, Services, any related Goals, Frequency, and current Status.
In the detailed view, information about the Client's will be preceded by information about the Client's Risks (from Risk Assessment), Allergies (from Medical History), Functional Limitations (from Medical History), Nutritional Requirements (from Medical History), Mental Status (from Medical History), Equipment/Supplies, and Services and Visit Frequencies.
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