The Care Plan 2.0 and Forms 2.0 Feature Flags must be enabled together. It is not possible to turn on one feature without the other.
Form Builder
1. What does the asterisk (*) next to a field represent?
The asterisk next to a field indicates that the item is mandatory to complete for the Form submission. A user will not be able to submit the Form if such a field is left empty.
2. What is the difference between a comment box and a text box?
A text box is used when looking to capture a single-line response to an item. A comment box is used when a paragraph-style response is to be entered.
3. Are the Forms viewed based on the role assigned by security?
There are two ways that viewing Forms is assigned. The first is through role permissions (ACL) to View Client Forms. This access control will allow the user to view client Forms that have been submitted. The second way to control the viewing of Forms that have been submitted is when designing/building the Form. In the build mode under configurations, there is the option to Restrict View To. This option allow you to define which user roles can view the submissions for that specific Form.
4. Please explain Display Logic.
Display Logic is a new feature in our Form Builder that allows you to build smart forms. Display Logic is specific to a field/question and allows you to determine the conditions on which that field will display when the care worker is filling out the given Form for submission. Display Logic can be used on any field and will be based on defined criteria for responses to other fields within the Form.
5. What is the different between Draft and Active Unpublished status?
Draft status is when you are creating a new Form that has not yet been built. Active Unpublished is a status when a new version of an Active Form is created but is in an unpublished (draft) state as changes are being made. Care workers are not able to select a form for submission that is in Active Unpublished status.
6. Will there be a component that will be able to add the numerical answers?
There is not a component available in the builder to perform calculations based on the responses.
Importing and exporting forms between environments
1. How do I export a form from one environment and import it to another?
You can export forms created in one environment and import it into another environment by using the Export button in the form builder and the Import button in Form Settings. When you select Export, the form template will download automatically as a JSON file. Note that Demographics fields will be excluded from the export as they are client specific. When you select Import, you will be able to select and upload a JSON file from your computer.
Form Submission
1. What does the asterisk (*) next to a field represent?
The asterisk next to a field indicates that the item is mandatory to complete for the Form submission. A user will not be able to submit the Form if such a field is left empty.
2. Are the Forms viewed based on the role assigned by security?
There are two ways that viewing Forms is assigned. The first is through role permissions (ACL) to View Client Forms. This access control will allow the user to view client Forms that have been submitted. The second way to control the viewing of Forms that have been submitted is when designing/building the Form. In the build mode under configurations, there is the option to Restrict View To. This option allow you to define which user roles can view the submissions for that specific Form.
3. How are photos added to the Form?
When on the care worker mobile application, the Picture component on the Form will trigger the camera on the mobile device to launch for a photo to be taken and loaded into the Form. On the web application, a photo can be added by selecting a file from the computer directory.
4 Can you edit a Form that has been submitted? If a Form contains Advanced Client Information components, is it possible for the office to edit that Form before it is approved?
Yes, any Form can be edited if it has not been Approved. The user will need to have the correct permission control (ACL) of Edit All Forms or Edit Your Own Forms. If a form is an Approved status, it can no longer be edited.
5. How does it work for Risk Severity when I capture the Risk via a Form, in order for the Severity to flow to Client Demographics?
When the care worker is populating a Form with the Risk Advanced Component, if they are adding a Risk, they will be prompted to enter the details on all of the same fields that are present in the Client profile: Category, Risk, and Severity. All of the Advanced Components will operate in a similar manner.
6. Once a Form is approved that has an Advanced Component (Demographic, Risk, etc.), is the corresponding field(s) in AlayaCare updated immediately?
Once a Form is approved that contains an advanced component, it triggers a background job to run to update the field in AlayaCare. The running of the background job will be based on overall system performance and other concurrent jobs that may be running. The status of the background job can be viewed in any of the form submission grids.
7. Why do background jobs for Forms sometimes fail?
Background jobs for forms that have Advanced Components with Forms 2.0 will sometimes fail if the system is unable to make the update in the app required by one or more advanced component on the form. The status of the background job will be Failed if at least one update for an advanced component could not be made. Simply put, this occurs because the system has to communicate across multiple APIs to update different parts of the app (for example, a table may be "locked" because someone is making an update to the same field at the same time, or there may be too many concurrent calls to the same API).
Background jobs for forms can also fail if you have recently imported a form from another environment that does not have the same configuration. If the area of the client profile that you are trying to update through advanced component is not configured in the same way in the environment you imported the form from (for example, if the names of progress note types are different in the two environments), then the background job for the form will fail.
8. If an answer is required, does the error code show at the time of submission or at the time of clock-out?
If a field is mandatory on the Form, the validation if it is not populated will be displayed to the care worker when they try to submit the Form. In the validation, the user will be directed to the field that is required.
9. Is there an option to print a Form?
Once a Form has been submitted, a PDF will be generated for the Form and is accessible to view, print, or email.
Form Metrics
1. Can the information entered on Forms be included on reports in Data Exploration?
Information entered on a Form submission will not be available in Data Exploration. In the future, we will be rolling out the ability to report on revisions that have been to a Form submission for auditing purposes through Data Exploration 2.0.
2. Can the information entered on Forms be exported to Excel?
Yes, information submitted on Forms can be exported to Excel using the Form Metrics feature in AlayaCare.
3. With Forms 2.0, will there be updates made to Form Metrics?
In the initial release, no updates have been made to Form Metrics. The exception is that a new role permission (ACL) is being released for use of Form Metrics. The new permission is called View Form Metrics.
Family Portal
1. Do these Forms show on Family Portal? Is that permission based?
Forms will appear on Family Portal if they are type Family Portal. What Forms specifically will be available will be based on the permissions set for Family Portal as well as the user roles that can view a Form as individual Forms are designed/built.
1. What will happen with existing Forms when Forms 2.0 goes live?
All existing Forms and Form submissions will be migrated when enabling Forms 2.0.
UAT Testing
1. Will Forms 2.0 be available in staging?
Forms 2.0 is not going live in staging. However, UAT environments are being set up for all customers to that you can have an extended time to test and become familiar with Forms 2.0 before enabling in production.
2. Do we need to request access to our UAT site from our CSM or will this just be available?
Your Customer Success Manager or Customer Relationship Manager will reach out to you to coordinate.
1. When does Forms 2.0 go live? Is there a go-live date when Forms 2.0 can be used as well as a date where migration deadline for 2.0?
All of the functionality reviewed in the August 13, 2019 webinar will be released as part of the August 2019 monthly release. Every customer will be set up with a UAT environment, and your Client Success Manager or Client Relationship Manager will be working with you on when you will go to UAT and when Forms 2.0 will be enabled in your production environment. We are setting up the UAT environments to make sure that you have enough time to work through the changes and feel comfortable before you enable in production.
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