How do I bill for visits on holidays?

Tia Low
Tia Low
  • Updated

To set up holiday billing for visits, you need to determine the holiday dates, how visits get associated with those dates, and the holiday rates.

  1. Set up holidays
  2. Determine holiday visits
  3. Determine holiday rates

Set up holidays

To define holiday dates for your agency, set up Holiday Groups.

Determine holiday visits

The dates you entered in Holiday Groups will apply to billing, but how that happens depends on whether you use Employment Rulesets.

The Employment Rulesets feature, available by request, is designed for agencies managing various employment contracts. If a visit employee is assigned to a ruleset, the billing system leverages holiday configurations for that ruleset. In other words, the ruleset of the employee on the visit is used to determine whether a visit occurs on a holiday.

If no Employment Ruleset exists, the branch-level holidays set up in Holiday Groups will be used.

Determine holiday rates

To set the holiday billing rate, choose one of these options.

Option 1:

Set up Funder Holiday Multipliers


Option 2:

Set up Bill Code Time-specific Rules


The Holiday Multiplier is configured in the funder setup.

  • Allows you to enter a number (or decimal) greater than 1 to multiply against the regular rate.
    • This multiplier applies to any holiday set up in Holiday Groups.
  • Applies to all bill codes on the funder.
  • Multiplies any custom bill rates for the client.

Time-specific Rules are configured in bill code setup.

  • Allows you to determine the specific rate amount that applies to holidays.
  • Options to create multiple rules and determine the order in which they apply.
  • For each rule, you can customize:
    • Specific rate amount
    • Day(s) of the week
    • Start and end time
  • Takes precedence over any custom bill rates for the client.

If you set up both options, option 1 takes precedence over option 2. For example, if a bill code has a $20 regular rate and $25 holiday rate, and the bill code funder has a Holiday Multiplier of 1.05, the billed rate will be $25.

These holiday rates apply to visits only, not to visit premiums or client premiums.

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