How do I record a Vital Reading on web?

Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
  • Updated

You can record a Vital reading for a Client on web as well as mobile. To learn how to record a Vital reading on the mobile app, please see How do I record a new Vital reading on mobile?

To enter a new Vital reading on web, go to Care Documentation>Vitals on the Client's profile. 


In the Vitals tab, you will see details listed for recently recording Vital readings, including the Date and Time, attending Employee, Vital Group, Vital Name, Value, Units, and any Comments

Click +Record a Vital Reading to enter a new reading. 


In the dialogue, enter the recorded values for the Client's active Vitals. All Vitals that have been activated in the Vitals Configuration tab will be available to complete. 


When you have finished, click Ok

The new Vital reading will now appear in the list. Click the Edit button if you need to make any changes. 


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