System Settings allow administrators to configure AlayaCare to fit their agency's needs. This article provides an overview of the key settings available in System Settings.
To access System Settings, navigate to Settings > System Settings from the main dashboard.
Employee Designation (1 Option Per Line): Designations entered here are available to be set at the Employee level in Employment Settings. You can filter by Designation on the Employee List and Visit Approval pages.
Employee Seniority Type: use to select Rank, Number, or Date the type of Seniority you wish to configure for your agency. Learn more about configuring Employee Seniority.
Employee Seniority Rank (1 Option Per Line): this field will appear if you have set Rank as the Employee Seniority Type. Use the text box to enter the Ranks you wish to appear as options when setting Employee Seniority on an Employee profile.
Employee Landing Page Default Tab: select which tab you would like to land on first when opening an Employee profile (for example, if you select Schedule, the profile will open to the Schedule tab whenever users navigate to an Employee profile). If none is selected, the default tab will be the first tab (Overview) in the Employee profile.
Client Landing Page Default Tab: select which tab you would like to land on first when opening a Client profile (for example, if you select Services, the profile will open to the Services tab when users navigate to a Client profile). If none is selected, the default tab will be the first tab (Overview) in the Client profile.
Facility Landing Page Default Tab: select which tab you would like to land on first when opening a Facility profile (for example, if you select Client Scheduling, the profile will open to the Client Scheduling tab when users navigate to a Facility profile). If none is selected, the default tab will be the first tab (Overview) in the Facility profile.
Workforce Management Landing Page Default Tab: select which tab you would like to land on first when opening Workforce Management (for example, if you select Vacant Visits, the Vacant Visits tab will automatically open when users navigate to Workforce Management). If none is selected, the default tab will be the first tab (Client Schedules) in Workforce Management.
Session Max Duration (In Minutes): this setting controls the maximum duration of a user session in both ACC web and mobile. This is the longest amount of time an authenticated user can remain logged in within ACC. Once this maximum is reached, user will be logged out of the application regardless of their activity. Note that the default is set to 720 minutes (12 hours); the minimum is the value set for the session idle duration (in Minute) setting; and the maximum is 1,400 minutes (24 hours). Please note that this is only applicable to users with Keycloak enabled.
Session Idle Duration (In Minutes): the maximum value this field can be set to is the value of the new session max duration (see above). This field controls the duration an authenticated user can remain logged in ACC while being inactive. The default value is 60 minutes and the minimum value is 5 minutes. Please note that this is only applicable to users with Keycloak enabled.
Applicant Tracking: this setting can be turned on/off depending on whether your agency wishes to manage job applications through AlayaCare. Learn more about Applicant Tracking.
Allow Concurrent Clock-In: this setting can be enabled if you wish to allow Multi Clock-In for Visits and Services. Learn more about Multi Clock-In.
Safety & Security
Password Expiration Interval: the number of days after which a user will be prompted to change their password. If this field is set to 0, the user will never be asked to change their password.
Mobile Settings
Enable Offline Mode: this setting should be enabled if you wish to allow your agency's care workers to access their Clients' files and Visit details on the mobile app if they are in a remote location with weak signal. Learn more about Offline Mode.
Offline Session Length (In Hours): this field controls the time-out frequency for offline mode in the mobile application. Users using the app in offline mode will be asked to log back in after the number of hours set as the Offline Session Length has passed.
Offline Cached Data Window (In Days): represents the number of days' worth of Visit data that will be downloaded when a care worker uses Offline Mode on the mobile app.
Number of past days in the Schedule: use this field to determine the number of days in the past a care worker can view their Schedule for on the mobile app. The default value is 4. The maximum permitted value is 50.
Number of future days in the Schedule: use this field to determine the number of days in the future a care worker can view their Schedule for on the mobile app. The default value is 7. The maximum permitted value is 50.
Payroll Adjustment Period: this field specifies the number of days allowed for adjustments after a Payroll Period has been closed. This only applies for adjustments made in the original period. Learn more about Payroll Adjustments.
First Invoice Number: this field determines what the first invoice number generated for your agency will be.
Invoice Questions To: this contact information will appear on invoices for Clients.
Payment Instructions: these instructions will appear on invoices for Clients.
Employee Salary Base: use this field to enter the different compensation groups for your agency.
Reverse Allocation Limit (In Days): this setting is used to set the number of days that an allocation can be reversed after it has been entered in the system. If the field is left blank, there is no limit to how many days in the past an allocation can be reversed. If it is set to zero, allocations cannot be reversed (unless a Cancel Cash Receipt transaction is used).
Enabled Invoice Types: check the boxes next to the Invoice Types you wish to include as options when exporting invoices from AlayaCare.
New Invoice Details Columns: check which additional fields you would like to include on invoices.
Overtime Rule: use this field to select a default Overtime Rule from the Overtime Rules set in Accounting Settings to apply across all Employees. (Note that you can override this default rule and select a custom Overtime Rule for a specific Employee on the Employee's profile). Learn more about setting up Overtime Rules.
Default Employee Type: use this field to select a Default Employee Type from the Employee Types configured in Accounting Settings. You can change an Employee's Type on the Employee's profile in Employment Settings. Learn more about Employment Types.
Default Employee Minimum Daily Capacity: set a Default Minimum Daily Capacity for Employees in hours. Learn more about Employee Capacity.
Default Employee Maximum Daily Capacity: set a Default Maximum Daily Capacity for Employees in terms of number of hours.
Default Employee Minimum Weekly Capacity: set a Default Minimum Weekly Capacity for Employees in terms of number of hours.
Default Employee Maximum Weekly Capacity: set a Default Maximum Weekly Capacity for Employees in terms of number of hours.
First Day of Week (Scheduling): select the day of the week that you would like Schedules to begin on.
Mastering Period (In Days): this field determines the number of days in the future that recurring Visits will be shown on Clients' calendars.
Prepare Past Visit Limit (In Days): this field determines how many days in the past users with the Create Past Visits ACL are able to create Visits. For agencies using Care Plan and Forms 2.0, if the Prepare Past Visit Limit (In Days) is set to 0, you will not be able to edit Service Tasks after a work session ends, even with the Edit Service Tasks after Work Session ACL.
Continuity Metric Past Visit Limit (In Days): this number of days is used for determining the Continuity metric on the Employee and Facility Finders. The Continuity field on the Finder will display the percentage of the Client’s Visits over the the number of days set as the Continuity Metric Past Visit Limit with that Employee or at that Facility.
Employee Capacity Settings: check whether you wish to include On Hold Visits, payable Cancelled Visits, and paid Time Off toward Employee Capacity or exclude unpaid Visits from Employee Capacity.
Care Time Different From Duration: turn this setting on if you wish to be able to distinguish between the length of Care Time required of an Employee and the total Visit duration. Once this setting is on, you will be able to enter both the Duration and Care Time that a Service requires when creating the Service Code. Learn more about Care Time.
Show Service Start and End Date on Client Calendars: turn on this setting if you wish to display Service Start and End Dates on Clients' Schedules.
Show Recertification Period on Client Calendars: turn on this setting if you wish to display Recertification tiles leading up to the end of a Service on the Client's Calendar.
Recertification Period (In Days): if the setting Show Recertification Period on Client Calendars is on, use this field to set the number of days prior to a Service End Date that Recertification tiles should be displayed.
Employee Individual Schedule Default Slot Duration: choose the default slot duration in minutes (5 min, 15 min, 20 min, 30 min, 60 min) for individual Employee Schedules. You will still be able to change the slot duration when viewing an individual calendar.
Employee Schedule Default Slot Duration: choose the default slot duration in minutes (5 min, 15 min, 20 min, 30 min, 60 min) for the Employee Daily Schedule. You will still be able to change the slot duration when viewing the page.
Client Schedule Default Slot Duration: choose the default slot duration (5 min, 15 min, 20 min, 30 min, 60 min) for Client calendars. You will still be able to change the slot duration when viewing a specific schedule.
Facility Client Schedule Default Slot Duration: choose the default slot duration (5 min, 15 min, 20 min, 30 min, 60 min) for Client Scheduling on Facility profiles. You will still be able to change the slot duration when viewing a specific schedule.
Facility Employee Schedule Default Slot Duration:choose the default slot duration (5 min, 15 min, 20 min, 30 min, 60 min) for Employee Scheduling on Facility profiles. You will still be able to change the slot duration when viewing a specific schedule.
Limit to Show Visits Over Multiple Days (Month & Episode Views): this field can be used to help schedulers distinguish between overnight shifts and Visits scheduled for the next day by setting a time limit for allowing Visits to stretch across multiple days. If a Visit ends before the time set as the Limit to Show Visits Over Multiple Days, then the Visit will display on the calendar for only the day on which it is scheduled to begin. (For example: if an overnight Visit scheduled for May 20 ends at 8:30 am on May 21 and the Limit to Show Visits Over Multiple Days is set to 9:00 am, then the Visit will only appear on May 20 in Schedules (for the Month and Episode calendar views).
Client Schedule Views: check which Schedule views (Day, Week, 2 Weeks, Month, Episode, Swimlane) that you wish to display as options when viewing Client Schedules. Learn more about Scheduling Views.
Client Schedule Default View: select which Scheduling view (Day, Week, 2 Weeks, Month, Episode, Swimlane) that you wish to set as the default when viewing Client Schedules.
Employee Schedule Default View: select which Scheduling view (Day, Week, 2 Weeks, Month) that you wish to set as the default when viewing Employee Schedules.
Facility - Client Schedule Default View: select which Scheduling view (Day, Week, 2 Weeks, Month, Swimlane) that you wish to set as the default when viewing Client Scheduling on a Facility profile.
Facility - Employee Schedule Default View: select which Scheduling view (Day, Week, 2 Weeks, Month, Swimlane) that you wish to set as the default when viewing Client Scheduling on a Facility profile.
Default Employee Availability: select whether you wish all Employees to be Available or Unavailable by default. Learn more about Employee Availability.
Default Facility Availability: select whether you wish all Employees to be Available or Unavailable by default.
Default Offer Response Due Time (In Hours): use this field to set the default number of hours that an Employee will have to respond to a Visit Offer.
Active Scheduling Notifications: check off the following options if you wish to trigger notifications for these situations:
- Moving Visits with Service Instructions: when rescheduling a Visit with Service Instructions, you will receive a warning.
- Facility Capacity Exceeded: when scheduling a new Client to a Facility that has already reached its capacity, you will receive a warning.
Employee Finder Default Tab: select which tab in the Employee Finder you would like to set as the default (Metrics, Calendar, Optimization). Learn more about the Employee Finder.
Default Filters in Employee Finder: check which filters you would like to be selected by default on the Employee Finder: Associated Employee, Experienced Employee, Has Capacity, Required Skills, Not Blocked, Has Continuity, and Has Skills.
Default Filters in Facility Finder: check which filters you would like to be selected by default on the Facility Finder: Has Continuity and Has Skills.
Payroll Duration (In Weeks): select the number of weeks to set as the Payroll Duration. This setting will determine the Payroll Duration filter on the Employee Finder.
First Payroll Start Date: enter the start date of your agency's first Payroll Period.
External Email Config
This functionality within System Settings is deprecated. To change your sender email address, please create a support ticket.
Privacy Agreements
Privacy Agreements: use this field to enter the text that you wish to appear as the Privacy Agreement upon login. Please note that as we are now actively working on moving all users to log in via AlayaCare's password and security features (commonly known as Keycloak), users will only be prompted with the privacy agreement when they log in for the first time, or when there is a change to the privacy agreement.
Require On Login: turn on this setting if you wish to require users to agree to the Privacy Agreements each time they log on.
Notification Settings
Task Assignment: enable this setting if Employees should be able to receive email notifications when a Task is assigned to them.
Include Task Details and Client Name in Notification: turn on this setting if you wish to include Task Details and the Client Name when an Employee receives an email notification about a Task.
Service Status Change: enable this setting if you wish Employees on a Client's Care Team, the Primary Employee set on the Service, or Experienced Employees for the Service to be able to receive an email whenever a Service Status changes for the Client.
New Client Notification: check if you wish Employees to be able to receive an email or be automatically assigned a Task when they are assigned to a Client's Care Team.
Visit and Recurrence Offers Sent: check whether Employees should receive email notifications when they are sent a Visit Offer. You also have the option to select whether you wish to send notifications by email and/or SMS (if the feature is enabled).
Visit and Recurrence Offers Assigned: check whether Employees should receive email notifications when they are assigned to a Visit or Recurrence Offer. You also have the option to select whether you wish to send notifications by email and/or SMS (if the feature is enabled).
See also How do I configure Notifications at the System and Employee Level?
Sign Out From SSO When Signing Out From AlayaCare On Web: if your agency uses SSO, turn on this setting if you would like users to be logged out of SSO when signing out of the AlayaCare web app.
Care Documentation
Form 485 Include Physician Phone / Fax Number (Box 24): turn on this setting if your agency needs to submit CMS 485 Forms with this information.
Form 485 Physician Certification (Box 26): enter the text of the Physician Certification that will appear in Box 26 on submitted CMS 485 Forms.
Care Plan Diagnoses: if Care Plan 2.0 is enabled, use this setting to select whether you wish to use Diagnoses on Client Care Plans by choosing On or Off.
Care Plan Diagnosis Naming: if you would like to use a different term for Diagnoses with Care Plan 2.0, enter the singular form of the word in this field.
Care Plan Diagnoses Naming: if you would like to use a different term for Diagnoses with Care Plan 2.0, enter the plural form of the word in this field.
Care Plan Goals: if Care Plan 2.0 is enabled, use this setting to select whether you wish to use Goals on Client Care Plans by choosing On or Off.
Care Plan Goal Naming: if you would like to use a different term for Goal with Care Plan 2.0, enter the singular form of the word in this field.
Care Plan Goals Naming: if you would like to use a different term for Goals with Care Plan 2.0, enter the plural form of the word in this field.
Care Plan Interventions: if Care Plan 2.0 is enabled, use this setting to select whether you wish to use Interventions on Client Care Plans by choosing On or Off.
Care Plan Intervention Naming: if you would like to use a different term for Intervention with Care Plan 2.0, enter the singular form of the word in this field.
Care Plan Interventions Naming: if you would like to use a different term for Interventions with Care Plan 2.0, enter the plural form of the word in this field.
Care Plan Goal Types: if Care Plan 2.0 is enabled, use this field to define the list of Goal Types that will be available to users when adding Goals to a Care Plan. Enter the list of Types in the order you wish them to appear (one Type per line) in the comment boxes.
Care Plan Intervention Types: if Care Plan 2.0 is enabled, use this field to define the list of Intervention Types that will be available to users when adding Interventions to a Care Plan. Enter the list of Types in the order you wish them to appear (one Type per line) in the comment boxes.
Time Tracking on Care Plan Interventions: if Care Plan 2.0 is enabled, use this setting to enable or disable tracking time spent on Interventions by selecting On or Off.
Goal Type Used to Populate Goals Into APRs: if your organization is using Automated Provider Reports (APRs) and Care Plan 2.0, use this field to select which Goal Type from your agency's list of Goal Types should be used to populate Goals on APRs.
Client Demographics: Override Names, Address, Phone: turn on this setting if you wish the Client Name, Address, or Phone Number on the Referral to override what is set on the Client's profile, if there are discrepancies.
Service Information: Override Service Details and Address: when this setting is on, information on the Service profile for a Client will be updated if the Service Details and Address for a Service on a Referral differ from what is set in the Service profile.
Billing Ra Processing: Apply Payments and Reconciliation Status to Visits: when this setting is on, any newly received Billing Reconciliation files will be automatically Processed, Visit Statuses updated, and Payments logged. If a file cannot be Processed, the status will appear as Posted. When this setting is turned off,
Soon to Expire Offer Threshold (in Minutes): use this field to set a time as an expiry threshold for Visit and Recurrence Offers. The number of Offers under this expiry threshold will display on the Soon to Expire Offers KPI.
Family Portal
This section in system settings will be available if your organization is using AlayaCare's Family Portal 2.0. For more information, see How do I configure Family Portal 2.0 for my organization?
Agency Short Description: use this field to provide a brief overview of your agency's mission and operations for Family Portal users that will be available on both the portal homepage and in Agency Information.
Agency Long Description: this field allows you to provide a more detailed description of your agency that will be available to Family Portal on the Agency Information page in the family portal.
Employee Naming: this field lets you to control how employees' names will be displayed to users within the family portal. The options available in the dropdown are First Name and Last Name, First Name only, and First Name and Initial.
Invoice Type: select which invoice type you wish to use for invoices (client individual funders only) downloaded from the family portal.
Invoice Format: select which invoice format you wish to use for invoices downloaded from the family portal.
Minimum number of days in advance that a service must be requested: set the fewest number of days in advance you wish to allow portal users to request new services from the portal.
Maximum number of days in advance that a service can be requested: set the greatest number of days in advance you wish to allow portal users to request new services from the portal.
Minimum number of days in advance that a visit must be requested: set the fewest number of days in advance you wish to allow portal users to request new visits from the portal.
Maximum number of days in advance that a visit can be requested: set the greatest number of days in advance you wish to allow portal users to request new visits from the portal.
Minimum number of days in advance that a visit change must be requested: set the fewest number of days in advance you wish to allow portal users to request visit changes from the portal.
Maximum number of days in advance that a visit change can be requested: set the greatest number of days in advance you wish to allow portal users to request visit changes from the portal.
Learn More
- How do I configure Scheduling at the system level?
- How do I configure Password Expiry at the system level?
- How do I enable/configure Offline Mode at the system level?
- How do I configure Intake at the system level?
- How do I use the Employee Finder?
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