How do I add/edit/delete Skills for a Service/Recurrence/Visit?

Rita Pang
Rita Pang
  • Updated

Skills configured in Skills & Qualifications can be added to Services, Visits, or Recurrences. Skills on Visits and Recurrences are determined by the Skills set on the Service but can be adjusted as needed.

Add/Remove Skills from a Service/Recurrence/Visit

lock.png Editing permissions for Skills on a Recurrence/Visit is governed by the ACL: Accounting>Edit Skills. No permission is required to add/edit/delete Skills on a Service.

1. In the Service dialogue, you have the option to add one or several Skills.

2. Any Recurrence created after Skills have been edited on the Service will inherit the Skills of the Service at that time. You can add/remove Skills for the Recurrence.

3. Any Visit created after Skills have been edited on the Recurrence will inherit the Skills of the Recurrence at that time.

4. When adding an Employee, the Employee Finder allows you to see which Employees possess the right Skills.

5. Hover over the bar to see which Skills are matched (in green) and which are unmatched (in red).


⚠ If the Employee owns a necessary Skill but it expires before the Visit requiring it, the Employee will not appear as satisfying that Skill requirement for the Visit. ⚠

6. ⚠ If the Employee owns a necessary Skill for a Recurrence but it expires before the end of the Recurrence, the Employee will appear as satisfying that Skill requirement for the Recurrence. ⚠ 

7. Should the Service/Recurrence/Visit require a Client(Facility)-Specific Skill, only Employees with the Client(Facility)-Specific Skill for the Client or Facility in question will appear as having the required Skills.

⚠ Note: If you are editing a Service for which Visits have already been scheduled, these Visits will not be automatically updated with your changes upon saving. If you are making changes to the Skills on a Service that has upcoming scheduled Visits or Recurrences, you will need to edit the Skills individually on each Visit or Recurrence to implement the changes. Any Visits scheduled after you edit the Service will contain the latest Skills information on the Service.

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