How do I upload Bulk Payments to AlayaCare?

Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
  • Updated

If you wish to make payments in bulk, you can import a list of payment transactions into AlayaCare that will be automatically allocated to the corresponding Client balances.

Bulk Payment Generic Upload Feature Flag in Settings>Features must be enabled to use this feature. 


Step 1: Create Your Payment List 

To import payments into AlayaCare, the transactions must be listed in a CSV file following the AlayaCare Standard format. Only payments toward Client Individual and Funder Individual-type Funder balances are currently supported.

To download a template for the CSV file, go to Accounting>Payment>Payment Imports and select the Import Payments button. 


In the Import Payments dialogue, select the Download button under Download Template. The template will download automatically.


Once you have opened the file, enter the the following required details for each transaction:

  • Transaction Reference Number: enter an internal reference number determined by your agency. It should be unique across payment types and is used to prevent duplicate transactions in the system.
  • CRN/BTP/Invoice #: enter a reference ID to use to determine where the payment should be allocated (either to a specific invoice or toward the balance for a specific Client and Funder). You must specify whether you are using Invoice Numbers, CRNs, or BTP Reference in the Import Payment dialogue. 
  • Posting Date: enter the date the transaction will be posted in YYYYMMDD format. The date must fall within an active Financial Period (if the Financial Periods Feature Flag is turned on). 
  • Amount: enter the payment amount using up two decimal places. This field should contain numerical characters only. 
  • Payment Method: enter the name of the Payment Method configured in AlayaCare to use to complete the payment.
  • Reference: use this field if you wish to add a memo for the transaction. 

Step 2: Import the List into AlayaCare 

Once you have created your CSV file listing all of the Payments you wish to import in the correct format, you can import the file into AlayaCare. In Accounting>Payment>Payment Imports, select the Import Payments button. 


In the Import Payments dialogue, select AlayaCare Standard as the Type


Next, click the Upload File button under Import File and select the document on your computer that you wish to upload.


Once you have attached the file, select whether the Reference ID will come from the Invoice Number, Client Reference Number (CRN), or Bill-To Party Reference (BTP). This reference is used to determine to which Client-Funder balance the payment should be allocated. The CRN is a unique reference number that is created for a Bill-To Party (Client and Funder combination) when draft invoices are generated. A BTP Reference can be added and edited for each Bill-To Party from the Bill-To Parties tab in the Accounting menu. 

When you have finished, click Import. Note that the Payments will be processed in order of oldest to newest transactions. 

The imported file will appear in the list of imported Bulk Payments with the Import Date, Type (AlayaCare Standard unless using BPAY), the Employee the file was Imported By, Branch (if your agency is multi-office), and the Status (Success, Partial Success, or Failure). 


Click the filter_icon.png icon to filter the Payment Imports list by Import Date range, Type (AlayaCare Standard or BPAY-NAB if using BPAY), or Status

A Status of Success indicates that all of the payment transactions in the file were successfully allocated toward the corresponding Client balances or invoices. All payment transactions will be listed under Transactions in Accounting>Balance and Transactions on the Clients' profiles (and the invoices if applicable). You can click Download to open the file that was originally uploaded. 


A Status of Partial Success indicates that some but not all of the payment transactions have been successfully imported. You can view details by clicking the downward arrow next to Download and selecting View Results


In the CSV file, you will see two additional columns: Reason and Details. The Reason column will display the reason the transaction and the Details column will provide additional information about the error(s) that occurred.


A Status of Failure indicates that none of the payments were successfully imported. Select View Results to view the reasons why the transactions could not be processed. 

The following messages may be displayed in the Details column if any errors have occurred:

  • Amount must be specified: the Amount column has been left blank for the transaction.
  • Invalid Amount: the amount entered was not properly formatted (only numerical amounts are accepted for this field).
  • Amount cannot contain more than 2 decimals: the amount entered goes to three or more decimal places.
  • Amount should be greater than zero: 0 was entered as the amount.
  • Payment amount cannot be negative: a negative number was entered as the amount.
  • Transaction Reference Number must be specified: the Transaction Reference Number column has been left blank for the transaction.
  • Transaction already processed: a transaction with an identical Transaction Reference Number has already been processed.
  • Posting Date must be specified: the Posting Date column has been left blank for the transaction.
  • Posting Date not in active Financial Period: the date entered as the Posting Date does not fall within an active Financial Period.
  • Payment Method must be specified: the Payment Method column was left blank for the transaction.
  • Invalid Payment Method: the Payment Method entered does not exist.
  • Multiple Payment Methods found: the Payment Method entered has multiple entries with the same name.
  • Invoice number or CRN/BTP must be specified: the Invoice #/CRN/BTP column has been left blank for the transaction.
  • Invalid Invoice Number: the invoice number entered does not exist or corresponds to an invoice that belongs to another branch.
  • Invalid CRN/BTP: the CRN or BTP entered does not exist or corresponds to a Client and Funder in another branch.
  • Error: this message will be displayed if the Posting Date, Invoice Number, or Reference cannot be read.

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