Once you have added at least one Infusion Site for a Client, you can add an Infusion Maintenance for the site.
You must be configured with the following ACLs in Settings>Roles and Permissions: Clinical>Record a Maintenance of Infusion and Clinical>View Infusion.
To add a new Infusion Maintenance on web, go to Care Documentation>Infusion on the Client's profile. Click View (or the hyperlinked Location name) for the Infusion Site you wish to add maintenance for.
Click +Add Maintenance.
In the Add Maintenance dialogue, complete the required fields. Enter responses for Tubing Changed, Mode for Delivery, and Battery Changed. For each Lumen, select a response for Reason for Flush, Flushed with saline, and Flushed with Hepalean. Depending on the responses you select, additional required fields may appear. If there is more than one Lumen, check the box next to Lumen 2 and Lumen 3 as necessary.
Note that the Infusion Maintenance Entered By and Infusion Maintenance Entered fields will be automatically filled in with your Employee name and the current date. When you have finished completing the necessary fields, click Ok.
The new Infusion Maintenance will be listed for the Infusion Site by Date and Time of completion along with the User, Site Dressing (if applicable), date Next Dressing Due (if applicable), Tubing Changed (Yes or No), Mode of Delivery, date Next Tubing Changed Due, and Battery Changed (Yes, No, or Not Applicable). Click View to review further details.
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