Invoice Reports

Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
  • Updated

AlayaCare's Invoice Report shows the current balance of a set of invoices based on the date range provided. Each row of the report represents an invoice that has been marked as sent (posted) in the system. You can use this report in conjunction with AlayaCare's Aged Receivables Report, to determine which invoices with outstanding balances make up the amount owed for each day range specified on the AR Report

Create a new Invoice Report 

To generate a new Invoice Report, go to Accounting>Accounting Exports and click +Add Accounting Export


In the dialogue, select Invoice Report as the Type


After Invoice Report is selected as the Type, CSV will be automatically selected as the Format. Enter a Start Date and End Date for the report if necessary. If you do not select a Start Date, the report will take into account all transactions up until the End Date. If you do not select an End Date, the report will take into account all transactions up until the date the export was created.


Under Invoices, use the checkboxes to indicate whether you wish to include invoices with a balance of 0 or voided invoices in the report.


If you wish to only include invoices from specific Clients, click  plus_button.png under Client(s) to select one or more Clients. To select invoices for a specific Funder, click plus_button.png under Funder(s) to select one or more Funders. For multi-office organizations, the Clients and Funders available for selection will be limited by branch.


When you have finished, click Save.

The new Invoice Report will appear in the list of Accounting Exports. Click the Invoice Report button in the Download column to open the CSV file.


Review your Invoice Report 

Please note that the Invoice Report uses posting date for transactions. Each row in the Invoice Report represents an invoice that has been sent and posted in the system. The invoices will be listed in ascending order of Invoice Number.

The report consists of the following fields per invoice:

  • Funder: the Funder Code-Funder Name for the invoice.
  • Billing Contact First Name: this field will only be filled in for Funders of Type Client Individual.
  • Billing Contact Last Name: this field will only be filled in for Funders of Type Client Individual.
  • Client First Name: the Client's first name as entered in AlayaCare.
  • Client Last Name: the Client's last name as entered in AlayaCare.
  • Client AC ID: the Client's AlayaCare ID. 
  • Client Status: the Client's current Status. 
  • Billing Period Start Date: the Start Date of the Billing Period in which the invoice was generated.
  • Billing Period End Date: the End Date of the Billing Period in which the invoice was generated.
  • Posting Date: the date the transaction was posted.
  • Transaction Date: the date the invoice was marked as sent in the system.
  • Invoice/Claim Number: the Invoice Number for all Funder Types except Electronic Billing. If the Funder Type is Electronic Billing, then the field will display the Claim Number.
  • Internal Control Number: this field will be displayed for claims with Funders of Type Electronic Billing
  • Invoice Status: the invoice status (Sent, Paid, Void, Written Off, Copy).
  • Invoice Total: the total amount of the invoice (Sales Transaction).
  • Adjustments: the total value of any adjustments to the invoice (Credit Notes, Debit Notes, Write-offs, and custom Transactions against the Sales Transaction).
  • Payments: the total amount of payments for the invoice.
  • Outstanding Balance: the remaining balance on the invoice (invoice total + adjustments - payments). 

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