How do I run metrics on my reports and forms?

BI - Forum Moderator
BI - Forum Moderator
  • Updated

Results of reports and forms (for tenants on Forms 2.0) which have been filled by staff are not collected by Data Exploration, but you can set up some simple statistics for them.

warning__2_.jpg For users of Forms 2.0, this feature is still referred to as Report metrics. You can run metrics on your forms - only the terminology is different, as they will be referred to as reports in these pages.

lock.png In order to have access to these metrics, the user's role must have the following ACLs enabled: Form MetricsView the patrol dashboard, and View Dashboard Forms, all in the Workflow folder. These ACLs are only available for admin roles. Note that for non-system administrator roles in forms 2.0, you must have permission to view the form (in the Restrict View to form setting) in order to view its data in form metrics.

Accessing report metrics from Reports (original)

In Dashboard>Reports, click Metrics.


Accessing report metrics from Forms 2.0

In Dashboard>Client Forms, click Metrics.


Setting up a report metric

Click Create New to add a new report type to your metrics.


In the resulting dialogue, you can name the report metric and choose the report type from your configured reports. 

Once you have selected the report type, the report fields will appear in blue on the left. Drag and drop them to the right if you wish them to be included as a metric when you run the report.


Once you have saved, your new report metric will appear at the end of the list.


Running report metrics

For the metric of your choice, click Run Report.


In the resulting screen, you can choose the start and end date for your metrics, and the status of reports you want to cover. You also have a choice of formats between html, PDF, and Excel.

Click Run Report when you are ready.


The metrics will appear for your report type.

The results will appear per client (shown with address). There is also a total count of the reports completed for each client corresponding to your criteria (date, status).



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