How do I manage caregivers coming back to work after showing symptoms of COVID-19?

Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
  • Updated

If you wish to require caregivers to complete a COVID-19 Post-Illness Assessment before returning to work after showing symptoms of the coronavirus, you can create the form in AlayaCare and assign it to them as a task once your organization has deemed them eligible to return to work. Follow the steps below to implement a workflow for integrating caregivers that have been sick back into your agency's workforce. 

Create the COVID-19 Post-Illness Assessment form and internal client

The first step is to create a COVID-19 post-illness assessment as a form of type Task in Settings>Form Settings (Forms 2.0) or a form of type Dispatchable Task in Settings>Report Settings (Forms 1.0)

The fields on this form will most likely be similar to the fields on the COVID-19 screening assessment that you created for caregivers to complete before client visits. For more information on building screener forms, see How do I set up COVID-19 screener forms in AlayaCare?

In order to send this form to caregivers to complete, you will also need to create an internal client to link to the task. Use COVID-19 as the client's first name and Post-Illness Assessment as the last name to keep track of what this internal client should be used for. 


warning_icon.jpg Please note: if you are a multi-office organization, you will need to create an internal client for each branch for creating tasks with the COVID-19 post-illness assessment attached.

Schedule unavailability for sick caregivers with COVID-19 time off type

Once a caregiver has responded yes to any of the questions on your initial COVID-19 screener or has called the office to report symptoms of the coronavirus, the back-office staff should schedule a period of unavailability for the caregiver that lasts fourteen days (or another time frame determined by your agency and local health recommendations).

You should create a new time-off type for employees that have a confirmed or possible case of COVID-19. To learn more about creating time off types, see How do I set up/edit/delete Time Off Types?

After you have created a COVID-19 time off type, you can build a report in Data Exploration in the availability cube to keep track of employees that have this time-off type.  To learn how to create this report, see How do I build a COVID-19 time off report?

Running this report will then allow you to see which caregivers with that time off type are nearing the end of the number of days they are required to take off before coming back to work.

Agency creates a task with the post-illness assessment attached to assign to the caregiver

Once the period of self-isolation for a caregiver is almost over, the back-office staff should connect with the caregiver to confirm if they wish to return to work, given that they meet the recommended health criteria for employees returning to work following a case of COVID-19. 

Once you have confirmed these details, you can create a task with the post-illness screener attached to assign to the employee. To begin, go to the Tasks tab on the dashboard, the Tasks tab on the internal client's profile, or the Tasks tab on the employee's profile and click +Add Task.


Select Yes to Attach a Form


In the Form field, select the COVID-19 Post-Illness Assessment. The name of the form will appear as the name of the Task by default. 


Select the internal COVID-19 Post-Illness Assessment client that you created in the Client field and select the caregiver who needs to complete the screener as the Assignee. When you have finished entering the task details, click Save.

Caregiver completes the form attached to the task on the mobile app

Once you have assigned the task to the caregiver, the caregiver will be able to complete the form attached to the task from the mobile app.

From the Tasks tab, the caregiver can tap to select the task and then tap Fill Report.

open_covid_tasks.jpg        fill_covid_report.jpg

The caregiver should fill out the required fields and then tap to Submit


Depending on the answers the caregiver provided, the back-office staff will determine whether the caregiver can return to work and be made available for scheduling again. 

Create report to track completed COVID-19 post-illness assessments 

As part of this workflow, you can create a report in Data Exploration in the Task cube to monitor which employees have completed this task. 

When adding a new report, select Task as the Report Type and add the following rows to your report:


You can then add a filter for the Task Description (name of the task) or Task Form Name (this should be the same as the task name) so that you can check for any employees for whom this task is not yet closed.

Once caregivers who were sick return to work, they should go back to filling out the COVID-19 daily screener at the start of each day or visit.

As caregivers start to come back to work, it may be advisable to schedule caregivers who have been sick for visits with clients who have a lower risk for severe complications from COVID-19. You can use the COVID-19 Client Age and Risk Level report to help you determine which clients have higher and lower levels of risk. 

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