Family Portal overview: computer/tablet experience

AlayaCare Support Associate
AlayaCare Support Associate
  • Updated

The new AlayaCare Family Portal is an online portal that allows clients and their families to stay closely connected to home care providers and actively engaged in care planning. It can be accessed on a Chrome or Safari web browser from a computer, tablet, or smartphone.

This overview is intended for users viewing the family portal on a computer or tablet. The layout may be slightly different depending on your device and browser width.

Gaining access to the family portal

Once the home care agency adds you as a user to a client's family portal, you will receive an email with a username (which will be your email address) and a temporary password. As soon as you sign into the family portal for the first time, you will be prompted to change your temporary password to a unique password. 

Next, you will need to enter the agency's AlayaCare family portal URL that has been provided to you by the agency in your web browser (for example, Enter the login credentials that you have received in the email to sign in.


You will be prompted to change your password to secure password that meets all the qualifications listed. Once you've created your new password, you can access the portal.


Learn more about logging in to the family portal

Exploring the Home tab 

The Home tab provides an overview of the client's latest care information that requires your attention. 


Next to the welcome message, you will see basic information about the home care organization you are working with. Select More Information to learn more about the agency. 


At the top of the homepage, you may see a box called Forms to complete. This box will appear if there are forms that you need to complete as the client or on the client's behalf for the agency. 


Select View forms to complete to take you to the forms that require your attention. Learn more about completing forms in the family portal. 

 Under Upcoming Activity and Recent Activity, you will see information about the date, time, and service of the client's recent visits. You can click View Visit to see more details. 


 To request changes to an upcoming visit, click Request Change. Learn more about scheduling and requesting visit changes in the family portal

For a visit that has already happened, you may also see the option to Write a Review for the caregiver in the Latest Visit tile.

All employees in the client's Care Team are also listed in the Home tab. Click View the Full Care Team to see more information about the caregivers. Learn more about the care team and employee ratings and reviews


The client's list of active services that the agency can schedule visits for will be listed in the Active Services tile. You can select Request New Service to request that a new service be added to this list.  


Learn more about requesting service changes.

Under Recent Activity, you will see the client's Total account balance. This tile will display the total amount owed by private individuals funding the client's services. Click Invoice history to view a detailed list of all invoices issued from the agency for the client's services. Learn more about viewing invoices and accounting details.


Reviewing care details

The Care tab contains detailed information about the client's latest health records. To move to this page, click the Care tab at the top.



The latest recorded vital readings for the client will be displayed in individual tiles under the Care tab. 


Learn more about reviewing client vitals in the family portal.

Information about client's care team and active services will also appear on this page. 


If you have forms to fill out for the agency, the Forms to Complete tile will also appear on this page. You will also see the Latest Form tile, which displays the name of the last form that an agency employee filled out for the client. Click to View Form or click View All Forms to see the list of all submitted forms for the client. 


Learn more about reviewing forms submitted by caregivers

Information about the client's medications will be found in the Medication tile, which displays the number of medications that the client is currently receiving. Select View Medications to see more information.


Learn more about viewing medications in the family portal.

Checking out the client's schedule

Go to the Scheduling tab to view the client's current schedule.



You can use the dropdown menu to choose to view the schedule by Day, Week, or Month.


Click or tap to select a visit in the calendar to view more details. 

In the visit dialogue box, you have the option to select Request Visit Change to make modifications to the visit.


To request that a visit is added to the schedule, select the Request New Visit button.


Learn more about scheduling in the family portal.

Reviewing the client profile

Select the Profile tab to see detailed demographic information about the client that is currently on record with the agency. The details include their date of birth, preferred language, address, phone number, and any known allergies along with the level of severity. 


Information about the client's account balances from recent invoices will also be displayed under this tab. A tile will be displayed for each person who is funding a portion of the client's services along with the amount that individual owes or is owed by the agency. Select Invoice history to view a complete list of invoices for the client.

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