How do I complete forms in the family portal?

AlayaCare Support Associate
AlayaCare Support Associate
  • Updated

In the family portal, you can complete forms as the client or on the client's behalf from the portal and submit them to the agency to review.

Choose which type of device you are using the family portal on:

Completing forms in the family portal (computer/tablet)

If there are forms that require your attention in the portal, you will see a tile on the Home tab called Forms to Complete


This tile can also be found next to the Latest Form tile under the Care tab.


Select the View forms to complete button to access the forms. 

A dialogue box will open with the names of the forms that the agency has asked you to complete. Select the Complete button to open the form you wish to fill out. 


The form will open in a new dialogue with questions for you to complete. 


Each question that is required will be marked with an asterisk (*); you will not be able to submit the form until all required questions are completed. Select Next Section to move to the next page of the form. 

When you reach the final page of the form, you will see a blue Submit form button. Select this button when you have completed all required questions in the form and are ready to submit.


If you click the x in the top right corner to close out of the form before submitting, you will receive the following warning:


Select Discard to close the form and delete any data you have entered, or select Cancel to return to the form.

After submitting the form, you will return to the dialogue box with the list so that you can complete other forms that require your attention. 

Once you have submitted the form, you will be able to view the form you have submitted in the client's list of all forms, which you can find by going to the Care tab and clicking View All Forms in the Latest Form tile. 


Any forms that you recently submitted will be listed here along with forms completed by agency employees for the client. The info_icon_Family_portal.png icon next to the form name means that the form was completed from the family portal rather than by a caregiver or another agency employee. Your name will appear in the Submitted by field, and the date and time of submission will be listed under Submitted on.


If the agency has not yet approved your form, the status will be Unapproved. Depending on the agency's settings, you may have the option to edit forms that have not yet been approved. Select the Edit button to make changes.


In the dialogue box, you will see a PDF version of the form you submitted. Select the Edit button to make changes to your answers.


You can then edit your responses in the form and select Submit Form again.


You can also complete your forms from the list of all forms by selecting the +Add Form button. 


This button will also open the dialogue box with your list of forms to complete.


Completing forms from the family portal (smartphone)

If there are forms that require your attention in the portal, you will see a tile on the Home tab called Forms to Complete


This tile can also be found above the Latest Form tile under the Care tab.


Select the View forms to complete button to access the forms. 

A dialogue box will open with the names of the forms that the agency has asked you to complete. Tap the name of the form you wish to fill out. 


The form will open in a new dialogue with questions for you to complete. 


Each question that is required will be marked with an asterisk (*); you will not be able to submit the form until all required questions are completed. Select Next Section to move to the next page of the form. 

When you reach the final page of the form, you will see a blue Submit form button. Select this button when you have completed all required questions in the form and are ready to submit.


If you click the x in the top right corner to close out of the form before submitting, you will receive the following warning:


Select Discard to close the form and delete any data you have entered.

After submitting the form, you will return to the dialogue box with the list so that you can complete other forms that require your attention. 

Once you have submitted the form, you will be able to view the form you have submitted in the client's list of all forms, which you can find by going to the Care tab and clicking View All Forms in the Latest Form tile. 


Any forms that you recently submitted will be listed here along with forms completed by agency employees for the client. The mobile_info_icon.png icon next to the form name means that the form was completed from the family portal rather than by a caregiver or another agency employee. For each form, you will see the form name, date and time of submission, for status, and the name of the user who submitted the form.


If the agency has not yet approved your form, the status will be Unapproved. Depending on the agency's settings, you may have the option to edit forms that have not yet been approved. Select the Edit form button to make changes.


In the dialogue box, you will see a PDF version of the form you submitted. Select the Edit button to make changes to your answers.


You can then edit your responses in the form and select Submit Form again.

You can also complete your forms from the list of all forms by selecting the +Add Form button. 


This button will also open the dialogue box with your list of forms to complete.


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