How do I view forms submitted for the client in the family portal?

AlayaCare Support Associate
AlayaCare Support Associate
  • Updated

You can review the latest forms submitted by caregivers for the client from the family portal.

Choose which type of device you are using the family portal on:

View submitted forms (computer/tablet)

To begin, go to the Care tab. 


Scroll down to view the Latest Form tile. This tile will display the name of the last form submitted by an employee on behalf of the client. Click View Form to review the latest form. The form will open as a separate tab.


 You can also click View All Forms to see a list of all forms submitted for the client. 


For each form, you will see the form name, the name of the person who submitted the form, the status of the form (approved or unapproved), and the date and time of the submission. 


Click the name of the form to open the form. The form will open in a separate tab.


The info_icon_Family_portal.png next to a form name indicates that a form was submitted by a family portal user. If you submitted a form from the portal that is still unapproved, you may also see the option to Edit form

View submitted forms (smartphone)

To begin, tap the Care tab and scroll down to view the Latest Form tile. This tile will display the name of the last form submitted by an employee on behalf of the client. Tap View Form to review the latest form.


 Tap View All Forms to see a list of all forms submitted for the client. 

For each form in this list, you will see the form name, the name of the person who submitted the form, the status of the form (approved or unapproved), and the date and time of the submission. 


Click the name of the form to open the form. The form will open as another window.

The mobile_info_icon.png next to a form name indicates that a form was submitted by a family portal user. If you submitted a form from the portal that is still unapproved, you may also see the option to Edit form. Tap Edit form to make changes to your responses on your form. 

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