How do I review recorded vital readings in the family portal?

AlayaCare Support Associate
AlayaCare Support Associate
  • Updated

The latest recorded readings of a client's vital signs will be displayed in individual tiles under the Care tab.

Choose which type of device you are using the family portal on:

Review recorded vital readings (computer/tablet)

To review the client's vitals, go to the Care tab.


The tiles under Vitals will contain the name of the vital, latest recorded reading for that vital, and the date on which it was last recorded. Click View Records to review all recorded readings of the vital for the client.


The date, name of the employee who recorded the vital reading, and the value recorded will be listed. 


Click the graph icon from the main Care page to review all of the recorded vital readings mapped over time. 


The last seven readings (if available) for each vital sign will be graphed by date and recorded value. A red indicates that the reading was outside of the normal range for that vital. A green dot indicates that reading fell within the normal range for the vital. 

Review recorded vital readings (smartphone)

To review the client's vitals, go to the Care tab.


The tiles under Vitals will contain the name of the vital, latest recorded reading for that vital, and the date on which it was last recorded. Click View Records to review all recorded readings of the vital for the client.


The date, name of the employee who recorded the vital reading, and the value recorded will be listed. 


Click the graph icon from the main Care tab page to review all of the recorded vital readings mapped over time. 


The last seven readings (if available) for each vital sign will be graphed by date and recorded value. A red indicates that the reading was outside of the normal range for that vital. A green dot indicates that reading fell within the normal range for the vital. 


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