To help organizations manage employee and client safety during the COVID-19 pandemic, AlayaCare has created a mobile screening assessment feature that can prevent employees from clocking in from the mobile app if their responses indicate possible symptoms of COVID-19. Back-office staff can then review employee responses to assessments via a new COVID-19 Screener Management tab in Workforce Management.
If your organization wishes to follow a different process for handling employee screening, you can also set a custom message for the mobile popup in Settings>System Settings.
- Administrators: configure the employee assessment and clock-in popup
- Caregivers: complete assessment when clocking in on the mobile app
- Back-office staff: review responses to COVID-19 screening assessment
Administrators: configure the employee assessment and clock-in popup
Before you can use this feature, you must configure it in Settings>System Settings>Mobile Settings.
In the All-Employee Clock In Notification field, you can select either Enabled - COVID-19 Assessment or Enabled - Custom Message.
Select Enabled - COVID-19 Assessment if you wish to display the standard assessment to employees and block them from clocking in if their responses indicate a risk of COVID-19. For this option, check the boxes in the COVID-19 Assessment Configuration section to choose the questions that you wish to make mandatory to allow clock-in. Selecting the questions here will ensure that if an employee answers Yes to that question, they will be prevented from clocking in to their visit.
Please note that all questions will be shown on the assessment, but only the questions marked in system settings will block the employee from clocking in if they choose Yes as their response.
If you wish to use a different method for employee screening but still wish to display a message when employees clock in, choose Enabled - Custom Message in the All-Employee Clock In Notification field to create your own message to display upon clock-in.
You can create your own title and message to display using the All-Employee Clock In Notification Title and All-Employee Clock In Notification Message fields. You can enter a a title of up to 35 characters and a message of up to 250 characters.
When you have finished configuring these settings, click Save.
Caregivers: complete assessment when clocking in on the mobile app
If you are using the COVID-19 Screening Assessment, caregivers will be prompted to complete the self-screening assessment when clocking in to a visit or a client from their caseload on the mobile app:
Tap a question to respond Yes or No.
After answering the four questions, tap Submit.
If you answered Yes to one of the questions marked in COVID-19 Assessment Configuration, you will be prevented from clocking in and receive the following message: Clock in prevented: You are not allowed to clock into this visit due to the answers provided. Please contact the office immediately.
If you are using the custom message setting, employees will see your custom title and message when clocking in from the mobile app. Employees can select Clock In to continue or Cancel to go back.
Back-office staff: review responses to COVID-19 screening assessment
To review the responses of caregivers to the COVID-19 self-assessment, go to Scheduling>Workforce Management>COVID-19 Screener Management. This page will be available if Enabled - COVID-19 Screening Assessment is selected in Settings>System Settings>Mobile Settings.
You must be in a role with the Review Form Alerts ACL enabled to access the COVID-19 Screener Management tab.
For each submitted assessment, you will see the Visit ID, date the assessment was Submitted on, employee the assessment was Submitted by, name of the Client for whom the employee was clocking in, whether or not the assessment has been Acknowledged by the back-office staff, number of Alerts raised by the assessment, and the Branch name (if your organization is multi-office).
An alert will appear on an assessment each time an employee responded Yes to a question on the assessment. A red icon will appear if the employee responded Yes to question configured to block clock-in in COVID-19 Assessment Configuration in system settings. A yellow icon will appear if the employee responded Yes to a question not selected in COVID-19 Assessment Configuration.
After reviewing the flagged responses on an assessment, select Acknowledge to indicate that the assessment has been dealt with by your back-office team.
You will receive the following message if the assessment triggered any alerts:
Click Acknowledge to continue.
You can also select Undo if the assessment was marked as acknowledged in error.
Select the icon to filter assessments by dates Submitted on, employees Submitted by, Employee group(s), Client name, Client group(s), Client tag, Branch (if applicable), and whether or not they have been Acknowledged. You can use the Hide forms without alerts toggle to hide assessments from the list that did not trigger any alerts. Use the Question(s) with alert field to filter by one or more questions from the COVID-19 screening assessment (Question 1, Question 2, Question 3, and/or Question 4) that triggered an alert.
You can also use the COVID-19 screener alerts dashboard KPI to monitor the number of alerts that have been raised on COVID-19 screeners but not yet acknowledged. The KPI will display the number of positive answers to the screener questions that have been received and not yet not acknowledged in the COVID-19 Screener Management tab.
Click the KPI tile to review and acknowledge the alerts.
Access to the KPI is controlled by the Dashboard>KPI-COVID-19 screener alerts ACL.
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